Dr. Zhen Liu is a faculty member at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. Dr. Liu has over ten years of experience in various multiphysics topics including thermomechanics, thermohydromechanical processes, poroelasticity, electrokinetics, fluid-structure interaction, non-isothermal buoyancy-driven flow, mechanical and electromagnetic waves, heating with electromagnetics, piezoelectric and triboelectric applications, and so on. His work has been applied to the safety, sustainability, energy, and artificial intelligence aspects of geosystems consisting of porous materials such as soils and cement-based materials. In addition, Dr. Liu has been focusing on the scientific understanding of couplings between physical fields in porous materials such as the stress formulation, thermally-induced water flux, wettability and adsorption of minerals, electrokinetic fluxes, and phase changes. Besides research, Dr. Liu has been offering one of the first graduate-level multiphysics courses with a focus on the mathematics, physics, application, and implementations of multiphysics around the world. He has also been leading a community-level education and outreach effort for developing a general learning and networking website for multiphysics.
This book summarizes, defines, and contextualizes multiphysics with an emphasis on porous materials. It covers various essential aspects of multiphysics, from history, definition, and scope to mathematical theories, physical mechanisms, and numerical implementations. The emphasis on porous materials maximizes readers’ understanding as these substances are abundant in nature and a common breeding ground of multiphysical phenomena, especially complicated multiphysics. Dr. Liu’s lucid and easy-to-follow presentation serve as a blueprint on the use of multiphysics as a leading edge technique for computer modeling. The contents are organized to facilitate the transition from familiar, monolithic physics such as heat transfer and pore water movement to state-of-the-art applications involving multiphysics, including poroelasticity, thermohydro-mechanical processes, electrokinetics, electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, fluid structure interaction, and electromagnetomechanics. This volume serves as both a general reference and specific treatise for various scientific and engineering disciplines involving multiphysics simulation and porous materials.
• Presents the essential components of multiphysics along with innovative numerical modeling techniques in the context of porous materials;
• Structured for a wide range of readers from those new to the field to experts, instructors, researchers, software developers, and modelers from many scientific and engineering disciplines;
• Organized using a practical approach that combines a logical presentation of theories with illustrative hands-on example problems;
• Reinforces multiphysics concepts with applications demonstrating the use of common software to solve representative problems.