1. Introduction 2. Multi-scale manifestation of tropical clouds as evidenced from recent satellite observations 3. New insights on tropical clouds and rains from RADAR observations 4. How does the latest RADAR and Satellite observations provide breakthrough in understanding tropical cloud and precipitation? 5. A-train observations to unravel the multiscale nature of tropical clouds 6. Multiscale tropical clouds and extreme events over tropics 7. Translating the new observational insights to improve the tropical cloud variability in climate model 8. Suites of Doppler lidar observations of vertical velocity to infer boundary layer processes on shallow cumulus at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site 9. Breakthrough in tropical Multiscale cloud modeling constrained by observations 10. Simulating tropical multiscale cloud and precipitation variability with a global convection permitting model 11. Predicting the multiscale cloud and precipitation variability with a state-of-the-art ensemble forecast system 12. Multiscale cloud and precipitation variability in the backdrop of changing climate