ISBN-13: 9781468464061 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 783 str.
ISBN-13: 9781468464061 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 783 str.
As part of the NSF's EXPRES project, the authors investigated ways to interchange multi-media documents among diverse systems. Their investigations led to an analysis and implementation of multi-media document format translation in general, and of the ODA standard in particular. ODA, Office Document Architecture, is a new ISO and CCITT international standard for representing multi- media documents. The results of their investigations are presented in this book. The book contains overview information about multi-media document architecture and formats, an introduction to ODA, detailed technical specifications on how to use ODA for multi-media document format translation, and the authors' experiences in implementing and using ODA. The book also contains a complete user manual for the authors' publically available ODA software: tool kits for manipulating ODA and raster formats, tools for examining ODA documents and sample translators between ODA and several other multi-media formats. This book provides comprehensive information about ODA for a large audience. Planners can get basic information about using ODA for interoperation of multi-media systems. Researchers receive detailed discussions about the advantages and problems of using ODA for document representation, format translation and archival storage. System designers can use the technical descriptions of translators and tools in specifying their own. System builders can easily obtain the software as a basis for prototyping and investigating their own ODA implementations.
1. ODA and Document Interchange.- 1. Introduction.- 1.1. The EXPRES Project.- 1.1.1. The EXPRES Participants.- 1.1.2. Proposal Submission.- 1.1.3. Scientific Document Interchange.- 1.2. Multi-media Document Interchange.- 1.2.1. Choice of an Intermediate Representation.- Candidates for an Intermediate Representation.- 1.2.2. Document Interchange Goals.- 1.3. Notational Conventions for this Book.- 1.4. Organization of this Book.- 1.4.1. Overall Organization.- 1.4.2. Part 1: Introduction to ODA and Document Interchange.- 1.4.3. Part 2: Introduction to the Tool Kits.- 1.4.4. Part 3: The CMU ODA Tool Kit.- 1.4.5. Part 4: The Raster Graphics Tool Kit.- 1.4.6. Part 5: References and Appendixes.- 2. Document Models and Interchange Fidelity.- 2.1. Parts of a Document Model.- 2.1.1. Document Organization.- 2.1.2. Document Content.- 2.1.3. Document Presentation.- Content Formatting.- Page Layout.- Relationships among Document Pieces and Formatting.- 2.2. Document Editing.- 2.2.1. Manipulating Document Organization.- Naming Structures.- Constraining Structure.- Constraining the Constraint.- 2.2.2. Manipulating Document Content.- 2.2.3. Manipulating Formatting Information.- Embedded Commands.- Direct Manipulation.- Named Manipulation.- Style Systems.- 2.3. Translating Documents.- 2.3.1. Imaging Fidelity.- 2.3.2. Content Fidelity.- 2.3.3. Structural Fidelity.- 2.3.4. Editing Fidelity.- 3. Introduction to the Office Document Architecture.- 3.1. Informal Introduction to the ODA Document Structures.- 3.1.1. Introduction to the ODA Document Structures.- 3.1.2. Logical and Layout Structures.- 3.1.3. Specific and Generic Structures.- 3.1.4. The Layout Process.- An Example of Document Layout.- Positioning of Blocks within Frames.- Changing the Layout.- 3.2. ODA Document Architecture and Processing Model.- 3.2.1. The Document Profile.- Presence of Document Constituents.- Document Characteristics.- Document Management Attributes.- 3.2.2. ODA Document Processing Model.- 3.2.3. The Imaging Process.- 3.2.4. Document Architecture Classes.- 3.2.5. Attribute Values.- String Expressions.- Numeric Expressions.- Object Identifier Expressions.- 3.2.6. Default Attribute Values.- 3.3. ODA Content Architectures.- 3.3.1. Character Content.- 3.3.2. Raster Graphics Content.- 3.3.3. Geometric Graphics Content.- 3.4. Document Application Profiles.- 3.5. ODA and Other Standards.- 3.5.1. Relationship with CCITT Recommendations.- 3.5.2. Use of ASN.1.- 3.5.3. Relationship with SGML.- 4. Document Translation Using ODA.- 4.1. Motivating Another Document Model for EXPRES.- 4.2. Document Model Notation.- 4.3. Available Content.- 4.3.1. Predefined Content Architectures.- 4.3.2. Additional Content Architectures.- 4.4. Document Organization.- 4.4.1. Subsetting the NIST Document Application Profile.- 4.4.2. Mapping Document Organization to ODA.- 4.4.3. Interpreting Generic Logical Structure.- Building the Generic Logical Structure.- 4.5. ODA Structures for Styles and Environments.- 4.5.1. Use of Default Value Lists.- 4.5.2. Adding Constituents for Representing Document Styles.- 4.6. General Page Layout.- 4.7. Generic Layout Structures for General Page Layout.- 4.8. Formatting State Vector.- 4.9. ODA Attribute Values for Styles and Environments.- 4.9.1. General Mapping of Formatting State Vector to ODA.- Attribute Representations.- Generic Layout Representations.- 4.9.2. Diagrams of Attributes.- 4.9.3. Distinguishing Style and Environment Information.- 4.9.4. Left Margin, Right Margin and Paragraph Indentation.- Left Margin and Paragraph Indentation.- Right Margin.- Examples of Changed Margins.- 4.9.5. Paragraph Spread.- 4.9.6. Paragraph Breaks.- 4.9.7. Font Manipulations.- 4.9.8. Content Alignment (Justification).- 4.9.9. Line Spacing.- 4.9.10. Tab Stops.- 4.9.11. Page Breaks.- 4.9.12. Representation of Page Layout Components.- Design and Insertion of a New Page.- Top and Bottom Margins.- Headers and Footers.- Page Numbers.- 4.10. Document Profile.- 4.11. Review.- 5. Experience using ODA.- 5.1. EXPRES Document Systems.- 5.1.1. The Andrew Toolkit (ATK).- Document Model.- Translator Implementation.- 5.1.2. Diamond.- Document Model.- Translator Implementation.- 5.1.3. Interleaf.- Document Model.- Translator Implementation.- 5.1.4. Troff.- Document Model.- Translator Implementation.- 5.2. ISOTEXT Document System.- 5.3. Implemented Document Features.- 5.3.1. Common Limitations of Translators.- 5.3.2. Organization.- 5.3.3. Formatting Instructions.- 5.3.4. Content.- 5.3.5. Editing.- 5.4. EXPRES Demonstrations.- 5.5. Experiences with Interchange.- 5.5.1. Lost Functionality.- 5.5.2. Detail Mismatch.- Style Systems.- Rasters.- Line Spacing.- Fonts.- Document structure.- 5.5.3. Display Artifacts.- Displayed Margins.- Figure Demarcation.- Line Wrapping.- 5.5.4. Difficulties with ODA.- Size.- Redundancy.- Content Architecture.- Attribute Semantics.- Layout (Formatting) Semantics.- Document Application Profiles.- ODA as an Interchange Medium.- 5.6. Summary.- 6. Experience Implementing ODA.- 6.1. The CMU ODA Tool Kit: Motivation and Goals.- 6.2. Functionality Provided by the Tool Kit.- 6.2.1. Data Types.- 6.2.2. Constants and Pseudo-constants.- 6.2.3. Variables.- 6.2.4. Routines.- 6.2.5. Summary.- 6.3. Functionality Not Provided by the Tool Kit.- 6.4. Implementation Decisions.- 6.4.1. Managing the Size of the Tool Kit Description.- 6.4.2. Portability Concerns.- Programming Conventions.- Operating System Dependent Operations.- 6.5. Design Decisions.- 6.5.1. Memory Management.- 6.5.2. Error Handling.- 6.5.3. Information Hiding.- 6.6. Construction Process.- 6.6.1. The CMU ODA Tool Kit Tester.- 6.6.2. The CMU ODA Tool Kit Validation Suite.- 6.6.3. The Configuration Builder.- 6.7. Lessons.- 6.8. Statistics.- 7. Conclusions.- 7.1. The EXPRES Interchange Requirements.- 7.2. Multi-media Document Interchange.- 7.2.1. Daisy-chained Translators.- 7.2.2. Translation to an Intermediate Format.- Explosion.- Loss of Structure.- 7.2.3. Implementing Translators.- 7.2.4. The EXPRES Conventions.- 7.2.5. Translation Fidelity.- 7.2.6. The Feasibility of Document Interchange.- 7.3. Office Document Architecture.- 7.3.1. The Standard.- 7.3.2. Use as an Intermediate Representation.- 7.3.3. Implementation.- Implementing the Defaulting Rules.- Reading and Writing ODIF.- 7.4. The Tool Kits.- 7.4.1. The CMU ODA Tool Kit.- 7.4.2. Raster Graphics Tool Kit.- 7.5. Implementation Strategies.- 7.5.1. Documentation and Specification.- 7.5.2. Programming Conventions.- 7.5.3. The CMU ODA Tool Kit Tester.- 7.5.4. The CMU ODA Tool Kit Validation Suite.- 7.5.5. The Configuration Builder.- 7.6. Summary.- 2. Introduction to the Tool Kits.- 8. Introduction to the Toolkits.- 9. Notational Conventions.- 9.1. Routine Descriptions.- Brief Routine Description: routine alias name.- 9.2. Attribute Descriptions.- 9.2.1. “The Attribute Identifier”.- 9.3. Naming Conventions for the Tool Kits.- 9.3.1. Routine Names.- 9.3.2. Identifiers Associated with Attributes.- Attribute Names.- Attribute Value Types.- Structures.- Attribute Parameter Names.- 9.3.3. Other Types.- 9.3.4. Tag Fields and Values.- 9.3.5. Distinguished Values.- The Value ‘null’.- 10. Site Dependencies.- 10.1. Site-dependent Types.- 10.1.1. INT_type.- The ONES_COMPLEMENT Macro.- The MAXIMUM_INT and MINIMUM_INT Macros.- 10.1.2. CHAR_type.- The MakeChar Macro.- 10.1.3. BYTE_type.- The MakeByte Macro.- 10.1.4. BOOL_type.- The BOOL_false and BOOL_true Macros.- 10.1.5. VALUE_type.- 10.1.6. TAG_type.- 10.1.7. PARMMASK_type.- Predefined PARM_MASK_type Identifiers.- 10.1.8. POINTER_type.- Predefined POINTER_type Identifiers.- 10.1.9. SWAP_INFO_type.- 10.1.10. The REGISTER Macro 261 10.1.1L Controlling the Formatting of Error Messages.- The DONT_FORMAT_ERRORS Macro.- The ERROR_MESG_SIZE Macro.- 10.1.12. Assignment Semantics.- 10.2. Site-dependent Routines.- 10.2.1. Initialization and Finalization.- 10.2.2. Initialize Site Dependencies: LOCAL Init.- 10.2.3. Finalize Site Dependencies: LOCAL Final.- 10.2.4. Input and Output Routines.- Read Bytes: LOCAL_ReadBytes.- Write Bytes: LOCAL_WriteBytes.- Read Characters: LOCAL_ReadChars.- Write Characters: LOCAL_WriteChars.- 10.2.5. Primary Memory: Allocation and Manipulation.- Allocate Primary Memory: LOCAL_Malloc.- Reallocate a Block of Primary Memory: LOCAL_Realloc.- Free a Block of Primary Memory: LOCAL_Free.- Copy a Block of Bytes: LOCAL_Bcopy.- 10.3. Managing Secondary Memory.- 10.3.1. Swap Out a Block of Memory: LOCAL_SwapOut.- 10.3.2. Swap In a Block of Memory: LOCAL_SwapIn.- 3. The CMU ODA Tool Kit.- 11. Introduction to the CMU ODA Tool Kit.- 11.1. Overview of Document Translation and Interchange.- 11.1.1. Translator from A to ODIF.- 11.1.2. Translator from ODIF to B.- 12. Using the Tool Kits.- 12.1. Include Files.- 12.2. Exported Routines.- 12.3. Global Variables: TKError, RGError, LCLError and TKErrorMesg.- 12.4. Linking with the Tool Kits.- 13. Types.- 13.1. Site-dependent Types.- 13.1.1. INT_type.- Predefined INT_type Identifiers.- 13.1.2. CHAR type.- 13.1.3. BYTE_type.- 13.1.4. BOOL type.- Predefined BOOL_type Identifiers.- 13.1.5. VALUEjype.- Predefined VALUE_type Identifiers.- 13.1.6. TAGjype.- 13.1.7. PARM_MASK_type.- Predefined PARM MASK type Identifiers.- 13.1.8. POINTERtype.- Predefined POINTER_type Identifiers.- 13.2. The Type CONSTITUENT_type.- 13.2.1. Predefined CONSTITUENT_type Identifiers.- 13.3. The Type DOCUMENT_type.- 13.3.1. Predefined DOCUMENT type Identifiers.- 13.4. The Type ITERATOR_type.- 13.4.1. Predefined ITERATOR_type Identifiers.- 13.5. The Type INT_PAIR_type.- 13.6. The Type PERSONAL_NAME_type.- 13.6.1. Specifying Parameters for the PERSONAL_NAME_type Type.- 13.7. The Type NAME_ORG_type.- 13.7.1. Specifying Parameters for the NAME_ORG_type Type.- 13.8. The Type ASNl_OBJECT_ID_type.- 13.8.1. Predefined ASNl_OBJECT_ID_type Identifiers.- 13.9. The Type LAYOUT_OBJECT_type.- 13.10. The Type STRING_OR_ID_type.- 13.11. The Type FONT_REFERENCE_type.- 13.11.1. Specifying FONT_REFERENCE_type Parameters.- 13.11.2. Predefined Identifiers for Fonts.- Sub-parameter Values.- ISO/DSCLASS Values.- 13.12. Miscellaneous Type Routines.- 13.12.1. Make a Font Have Unspecified Parameters: UnspecifyFont.- 13.12.2. Get Integers Corresponding to an ISO/DSCLASS: Dsclass2Ints.- 13.12.3. Get ISO/DSCLASS Corresponding to Integers: Ints2Dsclass.- 13.12.4. Fill Structured Name from Strings: Array2StrctName.- 13.12.5. Fill in a structured name from a string: String2StrctName.- 13.12.6. Fill in a Font Name from an Array: SetFontFamilyArray.- 13.12.7. Fill in a Font Family Name from a String: SetFontFamily.- 13.12.8. Look Up an ASN.1 Object Identifier: LookUpObjectld.- 13.12.9. Unspecify Default Value Lists: UnspecifyDefaultValueLists.- 13.12.10. Initialize Default Value Lists: InitializeDefaultValueLists.- 13.13. Sequences.- 13.13.1. The Type SEQUENCE_type.- 13.13.2. Additional Sequence Type Names.- 13.13.3. Predefined SEQUENCE_type Identifiers.- 13.13.4. Create a Sequence Object: MakeSequence.- 13.13.5. Delete a Sequence Object: DeleteSequence.- 13.13.6. Delete Sequence and Elements: DeleteSequenceDeeply.- 13.13.7. Increase the Length of a Sequence Object: Expands equence.- 13.13.8. Decrease the Length of a Sequence Object: Contracts equence.- 13.13.9. Append Two Sequences: Appends equence.- 13.13.10. Copy a Sequence: CopySequence.- 13.14. The STRING_type Type.- 13.14.1. Predefined STRINGtype Identifiers.- 13.14.2. Create a STRING type Object: MakeString.- 13.14.3. Make a STRING type From a Null-terminated String: Chars2String.- 13.14.4. Delete a STRING_type Object: DeleteString.- 13.14.5. Concatenate Two Strings: ConcatString.- 14. Initialization and Finalization.- 14.1. Initialize the Tool Kit: InitToolKit.- 14.1.1. The Type INIT_PARMS_type.- Application-defined Routine to Write a Character String: output Jilter.- 14.2. Finalize the Tool Kit: FinalToolKit.- 15. Documents and Constituents.- 15.1. Create a New Document: MakeDocument.- 15.2. Get a Document: GetDocument.- 15.3. Delete a Document: DeleteDocument.- 15.4. Create a Component: MakeComponent.- 15.5. Create a Style: MakeStyle.- 15.6. Create a Content Portion: MakeContent.- 15.7. Create the Document Profile: MakeDocumentProfile.- 15.8. Copy a Constituent: CopyConstituent.- 15.9. Delete a Constituent: DeleteConstituent.- 15.10. Default Components.- 16. Attribute Routines.- 16.1. Attributes and Values.- 16.1.1. Parameter Masks.- 16.1.2. Assign an Attribute: SetAttr.- 16.1.3. Obtain the Value of an Attribute: GetAttr.- 16.1.4. Assign an INT_type Attribute: SetlntAttr.- 16.1.5. Obtain the Value of an INT_type Attribute: GetlntAttr.- 16.1.6. Assign a VALUE_type Attribute: SetValueAttr.- 16.1.7. Obtain the Value of a VALUE Jype Attribute: GetValueAttr.- 16.1.8. Assign an Attribute to a Layout Style: SetLayoutAttr.- 16.1.9. Assign an Attribute to a Presentation Style: SetPresAttr.- 16.1.10. Set a String Attribute: SetStringAttr.- 16.1.11. Append a Subordinate Constituent: AppendSubordinate.- 16.1.12. Determine the Kind of Content for a Basic Object: GetContentKind.- 16.1.13. Get the Content Associated with a Basic Object: GetContent.- 16.2. Test for the Presence of an Attribute: HasAttr.- 16.3. Remove an Attribute: RemAttr.- 16.4. Make Specified Parameters be Unspecified: UnspecParms.- 16.5. Obtain a Parameter Mask: GetParmMask.- 16.6. Get a Printable Name for an Attribute: GetAttrName.- 16.7. Get a Printable Name for a Distinguished Value: GetValueName.- 17. Specific Attribute Descriptions.- 17.1. Attribute Descriptions.- 17.1.1. Shared Attributes.- 17.1.2. Layout Attributes.- 17.1.3. Logical Attributes.- 17.1.4. Layout Style Attributes.- 17.1.5. Layout Directive Attributes.- 17.1.6. Presentation Style Attributes.- 17.1.7. Content Portion Attributes.- 17.1.8. Document Profile Attributes.- 17.1.9. Character Content Presentation Attributes.- 17.1.10. Raster Graphics Content Presentation Attributes.- 17.1.11. Raster Graphics Content Coding Attributes.- 17.1.12. Geometric Graphics Content Presentation Attributes.- 18. Expressions.- 18.1. String Expressions.- 18.1.1. Types.- 18.1.2. Evaluate a String Expression: EvalStringExpr.- 18.2. Numeric Expressions.- 18.2.1. Types All.- 18.2.2. Evaluate a Numeric Expression: EvalNumExpr.- 18.3. Object Identifier Expressions.- 18.3.1. Types.- 18.3.2. Evaluate an Object Identifier Expression: EvalObjldExpr.- 18.4. Construction Expressions.- 18.4.1. Types.- 18.4.2. Delete a Construction Expression: DeleteConstExpr.- 18.5. References to Binding Values.- 18.5.1. Types.- 18.5.2. Evaluate a Reference to a Binding Value: EvalRefBind.- 18.6. Object References.- 19. Traversing an ODA Document.- 19.1. Locating Constituents.- 19.1.1. Locate a Document Root: FindDocumentRoot.- 19.1.2. Locate a Document Profile: FindDocumentProfile.- 19.2. Iterators.- 19.2.1. Create an Iterator for a Subgraph: MakeSubgraphlterator.- 19.2.2. Create an Iterator for Styles: MakeStylesIterator.- 19.2.3. Yield the Next Constituent: NextConstituent.- 19.2.4. Delete an Iterator: Deletelterator.- 20. External Representations.- 20.1. ODIF.- 20.1.1. Read an ODIF Representation: ReadODIF.- 20.1.2. Write an ODIF Representation: WriteODIF.- 20.1.3. Read an ODIF Representation on Unix: isode ReadODIF.- 20.1.4. Write an ODIF Representation on Unix: isode WriteODIF.- 20.2. ODL.- 20.3. Constituent Identifier Attributes.- 20.3.1. Assign Identifiers for an Entire Document: LabelDocument.- 20.3.2. Assign Identifiers for a Logical or Layout Structure: LabelStructure.- 20.3.3. Assign Identifiers to the Layout or Presentation Styles: LabelStyles.- 21. Affecting Run-time Behavior.- 21.1. Managing Memory.- 21.1.1. Keep a Constituent in Primary Memory: HoldConstituent.- 21.1.2. Release Constituent from Memory: Releaseeonstituent.- 21.1.3. Keep an Attribute in Primary Memory: HoldAttr.- 21.1.4. Release Attribute from Memory: ReleaseAttr.- 21.1.5. Keep a String in Primary Memory: HoldString.- 21.1.6. Release String from Memory: ReleaseString.- 21.2. Affecting Search Time for Attributes.- 21.3. Access the Priority of Components: ComponentAttrPriority.- 21.3.1. Access the Priority for Styles: Style.AttrPriority.- 21.3.2. Access the Priority for Contents: Content AttrPriority.- 21.3.3. Access the Attribute Priority for the Document Profile: AttrDocProfPriority.- 22. Debugging Support.- 22.1. Notation for Debugging Output.- 22.2. Debugging Routines 523 22.2.1. Write the State of the Entire Document: WriteDocumentState.- 22.2.2. Write the State of a Subgraph: WriteSubgraphState.- 22.2.3. Write the State of Layout or Presentation Styles: WriteStylesState.- 22.2.4. Write the State of a Constituent: WriteConstituentState.- 22.2.5. Write a Textual Description of an ODIF File on Unix: isodePrintODIF.- 4. The Raster Graphics Tool Kit.- 23. Introduction to the Raster Graphics Tool Kit.- 23.1. Rasters.- 23.2. Coordinate System.- 23.3. Pels.- 23.4. Graphics Formats.- 23.5. Memory Management.- 23.6. Error Handling.- 23.7. Site Dependencies.- 23.7.1. FLOAT_type.- 24. Tool Kit Data Structures.- 24.1. The Raster Structure: RASTER_type.- 24.2. The Type PEL_type.- 24.3. Initialization Parameters: INIT_RGPARMS type.- 24.4. Bitmap Format Specifications: FORMAT_type.- 24.5. Supported Raster Graphics Formats.- 24.5.1. Amiga IFF Format (FORMAT_IFF).- 24.5.2. Andrew Raster Format (FORMAT_ANDREW).- 24.5.3. CompuServe GIF Format (FORMAT_GIF).- 24.5.4. Group 3 Facsimile Format (FORMAT_GROUP3).- 24.5.5. Group 4 Facsimile Format (FORMAT_GROUP4).- 24.5.6. MacPaint Format (FORMAT_MACPAINT).- 24.5.7. ODA Bitmap Encoding Scheme (FORMAT_ODABM).- 24.5.8. Portable Bitmap Format (FORMAT_PBM).- 24.5.9. PostScript Output (FORMAT_POSTSCRIPT).- 24.5.10. Sun Raster Format (FORMAT_SUN).- 24.5.11. X Bitmap Format (FORMAT_XBM).- 25. Raster Graphics Tool Kit Routines.- 25.1. Initialize the Raster Graphics Tool Kit: InitRGToolKit.- 25.2. Finalize the Raster Graphics Tool Kit: FinalRGToolKit.- 25.3. Create a Raster Graphics Portion: MakeRaster.- 25.4. Extract a Subraster from a Raster: ExtractRaster.- 25.5. Delete a Raster Graphics Portion: DeleteRaster.- 25.6. Assign a Value to a Pel: AssignBit.- 25.7. Assign a Value (Color) to a Pel: AssignPel.- 25.8. Determine the Value of a Bit: GetBit.- 25.9. Determine the Value (Color) of a Pel: GetPel.- 25.10. Overwrite a Portion of a Raster: InsertRaster.- 25.11. Determine the Type of Pels in a Raster: RasterPelFormat.- 25.12. Determine the Size of a Raster: RasterHeight, RasterWidth.- 25.13. Read a Bitmap from Memory into a Raster: ReadMemRaster.- 25.14. Read a Bitmap From a Descriptor Into a Raster: ReadRaster.- 25.15. Write a Raster to Memory in a Specified Format: WriteMemRaster.- 25.16. Write a Raster in a Specified Bitmap Format: WriteRaster.- 25.17. Keep a Raster in Primary Memory: HoldRaster.- 25.18. Allow a Raster to be Released from Memory: ReleaseRaster.- 25.19. Determine the Hold/Release Status of a Raster: RasterStatus.- 5. References and Appendixes.- References.- A. Example Programs.- A. 1. The CMU ODA Tool Kit.- A. 1.1. Example 1.- A. 1.1.1. Document Creator: Example 1 5.- A. 1.1.2. Document Reader: Example 1.- A. 1.2. Example 2.- A. 1.2.1. Document Creator: Example 2.- A. 1.2.2. Document Reader: Example 2 607..- A. 1.3. Conclusions.- A.2. Raster Graphics Tool Kit Example Programs.- A.2.1. Raster Input and Output with Format Conversion.- A.3. Manipulating Rasters.- A.4. Example Program 3.- A. 4.1. Summary.- A. 5. Cross-reference Tables.- B. Building and Installing the Tool Kits.- B. l. Contents of the oda Directory.- B. 1.1. Local Directory Structures.- B.2. Building.- B.2.1. Disk Space and Memory Requirements.- B.2.2. The site Directory.- B. 2.2.1. Building in the site Directory.- B.2.3. The src Directory.- B.2.3.1. Building in the src Directory.- B.2.4. The valid Directory.- B.2.4.1. Building in the valid Directory.- B.2.5. The raster Directory.- B.2.5.1. Building in the raster Directory.- B.2.6. The isode Directory.- B.2.6.1. Building in the isode Directory.- B.2.7. The prog Directory.- B.2.7.1. Building in the prog Directory.- B.3. Installing the Tool Kits.- B.4. Validating the Installation.- B.5. Site-dependent Validation Routines.- B.6. Supporting a New Site.- B. 7. Compile-time Switches.- B.7.1. The DEBUG Switch.- B.7.2. The DONT_FORMAT_ERRORS Switch.- B.7.3. The SWAPPING Switch.- B.7.4. The STRUCT_ASSIGN Switch.- B.7.5. The USE_BCOPY Switch.- B.7.6. The USE_LONG_NAMES Switch.- C. Error Codes.- C. 1. CMU ODA Tool Kit Error Codes.- C. 2. Raster Graphics Tool Kit Error Codes.- D. Current Restrictions and Bugs.- D. 1. The CMU ODA Tool Kit.- D. 1.1. Miscellaneous Bugs and Limitations.- D. 1.2. Specific Attributes.- D.2. The Raster Graphics Tool Kit.- E. C Portability Guidelines.- F. Alphabetical List of Routines.- F. 1. Routines Sorted by Alias.- F. 2. Routines Sorted by Real Name.- G. Alphabetical List of Attributes.- G. 1. Attributes Sorted by Name.- G.2. Attributes Sorted by Identifier.- H. Alphabetical List of Types.- I. List of Real and Alias Names.- 1.1. Alphabetized by Alias.- 1.2. Alphabetized by Real Names.- J. Source Code Organization.- J. 1. CMU ODA Tool Kit Modules.- J.2. The Structure of Include Files.- K. Ordering Information.
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