"...Tornto's book challenges feminists to think harder about what it means to take care seriously as a political and theoretical ideal." -- Women and Politics
PART ONE: Introduction -- Chapter 1: Moral Boundaries and Political Change -- The Power of Context and the Context of Power, Three Moral Boundaries, Women's Morality As a Strategic Predicament, Argument of This Book -- PART Two: Against "Women's Morality" -- Chapter 2: Universalistic Morality and Moral Sentiments -- Morality and Forms of Life, Universalistic Morality and Eighteenth Century Life, Social Distance and the Demise of Moral Sentiments, The Containment of Women and the Engendering of Moral Sentiment, Lessons for an Ethic of Care -- Chapter 3: Is Morality Gendered? -- Lawrence Koh /berg: The Virtuous Elite, Carol Gilligan's Different Voice and its Limits, Gender Ideology and Forms of Privilege At Work -- PART THREE: For An Ethic of Care -- Chapter 4: Care IOI -- Defining Care, Marginalizing Care, The Promise of Care: Care's Power -- Chapter 5: An Ethic of Care -- The Practice of An Ethic of Care, Moral Dilemmas in the Practice of Care, Expanding Our Moral Terrain, Ethics and Politics -- Chapter 6: Care and Political Theory -- Against a "Morality First" Strategy, Care As a Political Ideal o Care And Political Strategy, Moral Boundaries and a Political Concept of Care -- NOTES -- INDEX.
Joan C. Tronto is professor of political science at City University of New York Graduate Center and Hunter College.