Preface xiAcknowledgments xiiiAbout the Author xv1 Finding Your Catalyst 12 Money Habits and Money Mindset 153 Creating Your Budget 474 The Secret Behind Successful Budgeting 755 Paying Off Debt While Enjoying Life 956 Saving for Emergencies 1217 Setting Up Sinking Funds 1378 Goal Setting: The Ultimate Game Changer 1559 Conquering Impulse Spending with Intention 17710 Working with Your Partner 20111 Accelerating Your Financial Progress 21912 How to Stay on Track with Your Money 22913 Investing for Your Future 24914 Conclusion 269About the Website 273Index 275
ALLISON BAGGERLY is an author, speaker, podcaster, and founder of Inspired Budget. As a former teacher, Allison has combined her talents of teaching and passion for personal finances to help others learn how to start budgeting and build a life they love. She has been featured in Forbes and Parents as a budget expert who offers a step-by-step process to break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. People turn to Allison, and Inspired Budget for advice and inspiration every single day. She has built a thriving community of people who desire to live a life they love by developing a healthy outlook on their finances and their life as a whole.