Introduction David Jordan, Nadia Mazza and Sibylle Schroll; 1. Auslander-Reiten theory of finite-dimensional algebras Raquel Coelho Simões; 2. \tau-Tilting theory – an introduction Hipolito Treffinger; 3. From frieze patterns to cluster categories Matthew Pressland; 4. Infinite-dimensional representations of algebras Rosanna Laking; 5. The Springer correspondence Sam Gunningham; 6. An introduction to diagrammatic Soergel bimodules Amit Hazi; 7. A companion to quantum groups Bart Vlaar; 8. Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and their multivariable generalizations Brian Williams; 9. An introduction to crowns in finite groups Gareth Tracey; 10. An introduction to totally disconnected locally compact groups and their finiteness conditions Ilaria Castellano; 11. Locally analytic representations of p-adic groups Andreas Bode and Nicolas Dupré.