1. Persistence in Lotka-Volterra Models of Food Chains and Competition 2. Mathematical Models of Humoral Immune Response 3. Mathematical Models of Dose and Cell Cycle Effects in Multifraction Radiotherapy 4. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Microbial Competition in Continuous Culture 5. A Liapunov Functional for a Class of Reaction-Diffusion Systems 6. Stochastic Prey-Predator Relationships 7. Coexistence in Predator-Prey Systems 8. Stability of Some Multispecies Population Models 9. Population Dynamics in Patchy Environments 10. Limit Cycles in a Model of B-Cell Stimulation 11. Optimal Age-Specific Harvesting Policy for a Continuous Time-Population Model 12. Models Involving Differential and Integral Equations Appropriate for Describing a Temperature Dependent Predator-Prey Mite Ecosystem on Apples