Introduction to Embedded Systems.- Microcontroller Subsystems.- System and Software Development.- Communication Peripherals.- Programmable Logic.- Mixed-Signal Processing.- PSoC3/5 Design Examples.- Designing/Building a Simple Embedded System.- Polling, Interrupts and ISRs.- Phase-Locked Loops.- The Pierce Oscillator.
Co-founder of PC Magazine (1981), which became the largest circulation magazine on the personal computer.
Founder of The C++ Journal (1989), a leading C++ language journal.
Founder of The Developers Newsletter (1989)
Publisher of the PostScript Journal (1990).
Publisher of Lifelines Magazine (1981-1988).
Contributing Editor: PC World Magazine, MacWorld, and PC Magazine.
Assistant Editor Plasma Instabilities and Anomalous Transport Proceedings. University of Miami Physics Department (1966)
Authored numerous technical articles in national and international trade magazines.
This textbook introduces readers to mixed-signal, embedded design and provides, in one place, much of the basic information to engage in serious mixed-signal design using Cypress' PSoC. Designing with PSoC technology can be a challenging undertaking, especially for the novice. This book brings together a wealth of information gathered from a large number of sources and combines it with the fundamentals of mixed-signal, embedded design, making the PSoC learning curve ascent much less difficult. The book covers, sensors, digital logic, analog components, PSoC peripherals and building blocks in considerable detail, and each chapter includes illustrative examples, exercises, and an extensive bibliography.
Provides a hands-on guide to designing mixed-signal embedded systems with Cypress PSoC;
Treats in detail all major PSoC topics and building blocks;
Provides insight into the historical development of embedded systems;
Uses a sufficient amount of mathematical rigor to serve as a textbook and includes in each chapter illustrative examples, exercises, and an extensive bibliography.