Mindfulness-Based Strategic Awareness Training Comprehensive Workbook: New Approach Based on Free Energy and Active Inference for Skillful Decis-Makin » książka
Figures xiBoxes xivPractices, Exercises, Tools, and Experiments xvAbout the Author xviiPreface: The Genesis of this Book xixA Suggestion on How to Read this Book xxxiAbout the Companion Website xxxiiiPart 1 Foundations and Core Principles of the MBSAT Program 11 The Underlying Biomechanics of Our Brain 31.1 Flourishing in a World of "VUCA": Is it Possible? 41.2 Free Energy Minimization: The Motivation Behind What the Brain Does 41.3 The Bayesian Hierarchical Hypothesis of the Brain: How the Brain Minimizes Free Energy 111.4 The Relation Between the Brain and Bayes Theorem 131.5 The Models in the Brain and Active Inference 161.6 How the Bayesian Brain Implements Active Inference 211.7 Summary: Our Brain's Essential Biomechanics 282 Free Energy, Active Inference and the Predictive BETA Mind in MBSAT 332.1 MBSAT's History and Evolution 342.2 Contextualizing MBSAT Under the Free Energy Principle (FEP) 422.3 Active Inference (AI) in MBSAT 492.4 The Predictive BETA Mind (PBM) 543 The MBSAT Program and its Distinctive Features 613.1 The Predictive Brain in MBSAT 623.2 Minding Our BETA: The Recognition Models in MBSAT - Valence and Feeling Tone 633.3 Minding our Portfolio of Beliefs (POB): The Generative Models in MBSAT 673.4 Minding the Portfolio of Beliefs: People, Self, Adversity and Money 733.5 Minding the Strategic Adaption of Life (SAL): Skillful Decision-Making 763.6 Belief Updating and Attention 803.7 Minding: A Key Quality of MBSAT 823.8 Mindfulness in MBSAT 853.9 The Free Energy Minimizing Self (FEMS) 924 Introduction to the MBSAT Program: Essential Foundations to Make Your MBSAT Training Effective 1014.1 The Journey You Are Embarking On 1024.2 Key Concepts to Understand How Our Brains Work 1034.3 BETA in MBSAT: Body sensations, Emotions, Thoughts, and Action impulses 1084.4 Minding: The Core Function of MBSAT 1094.5 Practices and Practicing in MBSAT 1144.6 Beliefs: The Drivers Behind Our BETA, Predictions and Behaviors 1164.7 Decisions: Orienting and Shaping Our Lives 1174.8 The Free Energy Minimizing Self - FEMS : Your Personal Plan to Implement Free EnergyMinimizing Strategies 1214.9 Core Learnings to Remember 122Part 2 The Training Program 131Introduction: Purpose and Meaning of Part 2 1335 Session 1: Minding BETA I - Body Sensations The Body as Source of Interoceptive Signals and Experiences 1435.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 1, Investment and Benefits 1445.2 Introduction and Concepts 1455.3 Aspects of Bodily Sensations 1465.4 Exercises 1485.5 Practices 1505.6 Learnings from Session 1 .1585.7 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 1 1605.8 Personal Notes and Insights 1616 Session 2: Minding BETA II - Emotions Emotions as Source of Interoceptive Signals and Experiences 1656.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 2, Investment and Benefits 1666.2 Quiz on Session 1: Minding BETA I and Chapter 4 Essential Foundations 1676.3 Introduction and Concepts 1706.4 Practices 1746.5 Exercises 1776.6 Learnings from Session 2 .1826.7 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 2 1836.8 Personal Notes and Insights 1847 Session 3: Minding BETA III - Thoughts Thoughts as Exteroceptive Signals Influenced by Interoceptive States 1897.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 3, Investment and Benefits 1907.2 Quiz on Session 2: Minding BETA II - Emotions 1917.3 Introduction and Concepts 1947.4 Practices 1977.5 Exercises 2017.6 Learnings from Session 3 .2037.7 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 3 2047.8 Personal Notes and Insights 2058 Session 4: Minding BETA IV - Action Impulses Actions as Source of Proprioceptive Signals and Experiences 2098.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 4, Investment and Benefits 2108.2 Quiz on Session 3: Minding BETA III - Thoughts 2118.3 Introduction and Concepts 2148.4 Practices 2198.5 Tools and Models 2278.6 Learnings from Session 4 .2298.7 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 4 2308.8 Personal Notes and Insights 2319 Session 5: Minding the Portfolio of Beliefs IMinding Adversity - Irimi 2379.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 5, Investment and Benefits 2389.2 Quiz on Session 4: Minding BETA IV - Action Impulses 2399.3 Introduction and Concepts 2429.4 Tools and Models 2469.5 Practices 2539.6 Learnings from Session 5 .2609.7 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 5 2619.8 Personal Notes and Insights 26210 Session 6: Minding the Portfolio of Beliefs IIMinding Beliefs About Money 26710.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 6, Investment and Benefits 26810.2 Quiz on Session 5: Minding the Portfolio of Beliefs I - Minding Adversity 26910.3 Introduction and Concepts 27210.4 Exercises 27610.5 Practices 28110.6 Reflections 28610.7 Learnings from Session 6 28810.8 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 6 .29310.9 Personal Notes and Insights 29411 Session 7: Minding the Portfolio of Beliefs IIIMinding our Social Experience - SoE / Friendliness 29711.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 7, Investment and Benefits 29811.2 Quiz on Session 6: Minding POMO - From Powerful Money to Mindful Money 29911.3 Introduction and Concepts 30211.4 Behavioral Social Experiments 30511.5 Aspects of Minding the Social Experience with Others 31311.6 Practices 31411.7 Exercises 31911.8 Tools and Models 32411.9 Reflections 32711.10 Learnings from Session 7 33111.11 Action Plan (AP) for the Week of Session 7 .33311.12 Personal Notes and Insights 33412 Session 8: Minding the Strategic Adaptation in Life (SAL) Decisions as the Basis of Well-being 33712.1 Getting Started: Task of Session 8, Investment and Benefits 33812.2 Quiz on Session 7: Minding our Social Experience (SoE) 33912.3 Introduction and Concepts/Consolidation 34412.4 Practices 35212.5 Learnings from Session 8 36612.6 Action Plan (AP) for the Time after the Program 36712.7 Personal Notes and Insights 369Epilogue: Accompanying Thoughts for Your Continuous Practice 373Solution of the Puzzle: Minding the Triad of Perception, Beliefs and Predictions 380References 381Further Reading 393Acknowledgments 416Index 418
Juan Humberto Young, Doctor of Management, MBA, MAPP, MSt and MSc, is an investor, agrobusiness entrepreneur, author, mindfulness-based cognitive (MBC) therapist and Positive Psychologist. He is Affiliated Faculty Member of Singapore Management University SMU where he leads the Mindfulness-based Strategic Awareness Training teachers' program. He also maintains a counselling/training practice for clients.