ISBN-13: 9781843425489 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 440 str.
The author of these splendid memoirs had a long and distinguished military career, beginning with the retreat to Corunna under Sir John Moore, and ending some sixty years later with his participation in the Sikh Wars in Gujerat. During more than half-a-century's military experience, Lieut. Gen. Sir Joseph Thackwell served with the 15th Hussars in Portugal and Spain, was present under Wellington at the battle of Vitoria and later at the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Fighting at Waterloo, Captain Thackwell was severely wounded. Succeeding to the command of the 15th Hussars, Col. Thackwell took part in putting down the Luddite Riots in Nottingham in the depression which followed the end of the Napolonic Wars. As a Major General, he commanded the cavalry in the Army of the Indus, marched on Khandahar in the Afghan Wars and took part in the storming of Ghuznee. Thackwell played a prominent part in the Sikh Wars, commanding a division in the Army of the Sutlej, and the 3rd Division in the Army of the Punjab. He was present at Aliwal, Sobraon, Chillianwallah, and Gujerat. Thackwell's memoirs, edited posthumously by Col. H.C. Wylly in 1908, shed an important light on the career of a British 19th century cavalry officer, and on his campaigns in the Napoleonic, Afghan and Sikh Wars. The book is illustrated by a frontispiece of the author, eight coloured battle plans and maps, four appendices on the Indian campaigns, and an index.