Maria Schüler, B.A., was born in Hessen, Germany, in 1996. In August 2020, Maria completed their Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences with the major migration and integration at the Catholic University of Mainz. During their studies, Maria spent a mandatory year abroad. In Riga, Latvia, Maria studied one semester political and communication sciences. Afterwards, Maria spent six months as part of the Olympic Studies Research Group at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Linked to the activities that Maria pursued in the research group, they wrote a thesis on the topics nationalism and sports of the Modern, which are analysed focused on the Olympic Movement as a practical example.Due to the diverse knowledge and skills that Maria acquired during their previous education, they perused an interdisciplinary research perspective. Currently, the main research interest of Maria considers medicine-ehtics and law, as well as queer dynamics in society.