1 Oronasal Hypophysis Operations (Figs. 1 to 49).- 2 Operations at Sinus cavernosus (Figs. 50 to 99).- Anatomy of Sinus cavernosus (Figs. 50 to 54).- Ophthalmic Aneurysms (Figs. 55 to 60).- Pneumosinus dilatans (Figs. 61 to 68).- Tumors (Figs. 69 to 99).- 3 Frontobasal Operations (Figs. 100 to 134).- Tumor (olfactory groove meningioma) (Figs. 100 to 115).- Frontobasal Fracture with Liquorrhea (Figs. 116 to 134).- 4 Extra-intracranial Bypass (Figs. 135 to 167).- “STAMCA” (Figs. 135 to 156).- Bypass Between A. occipitalis and A. cerebelli inf. post. (Figs. 157 to 167).- 5 Operative Decompressions of N.V and N.VII in the Cerebellopontine Angle (Figs. 168 to 184).- 6 Operations at the Base of Fossa cranii post. (Figs. 185 to 200).- Epidermoid, Pre- and Paramedullary (Figs. 185 to 194).- Extradural Tumor with Shift of Sinus sigmoideus (Figs. 195 to 200).- References.