Quotation viiPreface ixIntroduction xiiiChapter 1. The Function of Computation 11.1. Beginnings 21.2. Classes of computers 101.3. Analog approach 361.4. Hardware-software relationship 371.5. Integration and its limits 431.6. Conclusion 47Chapter 2. The Function of Memory 492.1. Definition 502.2. Related concepts 562.2.1. A story of endianness 562.2.2. Alignment 562.3. Modeling 572.4. Classification 592.5. Conclusion 61Chapter 3. Computation Model and Architecture: Illustration with the von Neumann Approach 633.1. Basic concepts 643.1.1. The idea of a program 643.1.2. Control and data flows and mechanisms 653.1.3. Models of computation 673.1.4. Architectures 723.1.5. The semantic gap 803.2. The original von Neumann machine 813.2.1. von Neumann's computation model 813.2.2. von Neumann's (machine) architecture 823.2.3. Control 893.3. Modern von Neumann machines 903.3.1. Abstraction level 913.3.2. Base execution outline 973.3.3. Possible transfers 1003.3.4. Summary: advantages and disadvantages of this model 1023.4. Variations on a theme 1043.4.1. Classification by bus 1043.4.2. Harvard architectures 1113.4.3. Parallelism 1133.5. Instruction set architecture 1173.5.1. Storage components 1183.5.2. Data format and type 1263.5.3. Instruction set 1263.5.4. Memory model 1273.5.5. Execution modes 1283.5.6. Miscellaneous 1283.6. Basic definitions for this book 1283.7. Conclusion 129Conclusion of Volume 1 131Exercises 133Acronyms 135References 153Index 173
Philippe Darche is Maître de conférences in Information Technology at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Paris and a researcher at LIP6 at Sorbonne University in the Inria DeLyS (DistributEd aLgorithms and sYstemS) team, France. He is the author of five books in the field of computer architecture.