ISBN-13: 9780873396479 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 762 str.
ISBN-13: 9780873396479 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 762 str.
Biological Inorganic Hybrid Materials.
Poster Session.
Nanocrystalline Hybrid Calcium Phosphates Based Scaffolds for Hard Tissue Regeneration (V. Thomas, W.C. Clem, S.L. Bellis, Y.K. Vohra, and S. Wiederhorn).
Ceramic Matrix Composites.
Fiber–Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites.
Effect of Hold Times on Fatigue Behavior of Nextel 720/Alumina (N720/A) Ceramic Matrix Composite at 1200°C in Air and in Steam Environment (J.M. Mehrman, M.B. Ruggles–Wrenn, and S.S. Baek).
Characterization of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Chemically Bonded Ceramic Composites (M. Pareek, J. Rigsby, A. Shah, and B. Agrawal).
Effects of Anti–Oxidant Migration on Friction and Wear in C/C Aircraft Brakes (Z. Wang, and J. Don).
Oxides and Composites.
Tribological Performance of Translucent –Sialon Ceramics (Q. Liu, L.–H. Gui, J.–H. Meng, and Z.–F. Li).
Factors Affecting the Thermal Evolution of Geopolymers at Elevated Temperatures (P. Duxson, J.L. Provis, G.C. Lukey, and J.S.J. van Deventer).
Borides, Nitrides and Carbides.
Synthesis and Microstructure Evolution of Ti3SiC2 Ceramics by Hot–Pressed Reactive Sintering (W.–T. Lo, J.–L. Huang, H.–H. Lu, and D.–F. Lii).
Characterization and Kinetics of SiC Deposition Coatings on Graphite by CVD Process (B.K. Dhindaw, and S. Pati).
Ferroelectric and Ferroic Materials.
Fundamental Issues in Ferroelectrics.
Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Characterization of Fe Doped PLZT System (M.E.S. Jaque, A.J.A. Cuadra, V.T.O. Ojeda, J.L.N. Coronado, O.S.P. Borquez, and K. Ramam).
The Effect of DC Bias on the Poled States in PNZST Antiferroelectric Thin Films (J. Zhai, X. Yao, Z. Xu, and H. Chen).
Magnetic Frustration, Spin–Lattice Coupling, and Ferroelectricity in Multiferroic Rare Earth (R) Manganites, RMn2O5 (B. Lorenz, C.R. dela Cruz, F. Yen, Y.Y. Sun, C.W. Chu, S. Park, and S.–W. Cheong).
Characterization of Ferroelectrics.
Nano–Region Dielectric Measurement Using Non–Contact State Microwave Probe (H. Kakemoto, S–M. Nam, J. Li, T. Harigai, S. Wada, and T. Tsurumi).
Microwave Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics.
Using a FIB for a Fracture Study of PMN–PT Single Crystals (E.P. Gorzkowski, M.–J. Pan, C.C.M. Wu, and H. Jones).
Fuel Cells and Energy Storage Systems: Materials, Processing, Manufacturing and Power Management Technologies.
Electrodes and Electrolyte in PEM Fuel Cells: Materials, Performance, and Degradation.
Investigation of Clad Metals for Use as Bipolar Plate Material in PEM Fuel Cell Stacks (J.S. Rich, A.M. Meier, J.Y. Kim, G. Xia, G. Yang, and K.S. Weil).
Interconnection and Metallic Materials in SOFCs I.
Engineered Metallic Strips by Cladding and Plating for Fuel Cell Applications (L. Chen, R.P. Willis, P.F. Lynch, and J. Kaiser).
Thermal Embrittlement Characterization of Metallic Alloys in High Temperature Hydrogen Environments (T.R. Vencill, W.H. Moy, Y.–L. Shen, and S.B. Rathod).
Electrodes in SOFCs: Materials, Performance, and Degradation I.
Characterisation of the (La1–XSrX)0.99Co0.6+XNi0.4–XO3– SOFC Cathode Material (P. Hjalmarsson, M. Mogensen, and C.H. Christensen).
Transport Properties of the Perovskite–Related Compositions in the Pr2–XSrXNiO4± System (V. Vashook, L. Vasylechko, E. Girdauskaite, J. Zosel, T.–L. Wen, H. Ullmann, and U. Guth).
Interconnection and Metallic Materials in SOFCs II.
Alloy Films Deposited by Electroplating as Precursors for Protective Oxide Coatings on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Metallic Interconnect Materials (C. Johnson, R. Gemmen, and C. Cross).
Surface Treatment of T91 Steel through Diffusion Coatings (L.S. Quintero, D. Laverde, M.R. Bateni, and A. Petric).
Effect of Protective Coatings for Alloy Interconnect on Oxidation and Cr Vaporization (H. Kurokawa, P.Y. Hou, X. Chen, C.P. Jacobson, L.C. DeJonghe, and S.J. Visco).
Electrodes in SOFCs: Materials, Performance, and Degradation II.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Behavior upon Redox Cycling (T. Klemensø, and M. Mogensen).
Electrical Conductivity and Oxidation Behavior of TiN and TiC Based Cermets for Fuel Cell Applications (Y. Pang, H. Xie, and R. Koc).
Anomalous Shrinkage of Strontium Doped Lanthanum Manganite (B. McCarthy, L. Pederson, H. Anderson, X.–D. Zhou, and G. Coffey).
Nanoscale Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (M.R. Bateni, B. Martin, X. Deng, and A. Petric).
Interconnection and Metallic Materials in SOFCs III.
Cr Poisoning Effect for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (F. Chen, E. Sun, J. Yamanis, J. Hawkes, J. Smeggil, S. Warrier, and J.–W. Kim).
Electrodes in SOFCs: Materials, Performance, and Degradation III.
Zirconia Powders Stabilized with Scandia and Their Ceramics: Part I. Mechanical Behavior (O. Vasylyev, O. Koval, M. Brychevskyi, Y. Brodnikovskyi, Y. Pryschepa, V. Vereschak, K. Nosov, G. Akymov, Y. Komysa, and V. Sadykov).
Sealing and Electrical Contacts in Fuel Cells.
Investigation of Degradation for Gasket Materials in PEM Fuel Cells (J. Tan, Y.J. Chao, J.W. Van Zee, and C.T. Willians).
Development of Contacting Material for Cathode Chamber in the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (J. Sakacsi, B. Kang, and L. Wilson).
Materials and Electrochemistry of Batteries and Super–Capacitors.
Enhanced Li Intercalation Properties of V2O5 Nanostructures (Y. Wang, and G. Cao).
Study of Improved Electrochemical Performance of LiFePO4/C Electrode for LIB (G.–r. Hu, X.–g. Gao, Z.–d. Peng, J. Li, and Y.–x. Liu).
Fuel Cell Systems: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Fuel Processing.
Performance of Single–Chamber SOFC Using Hydrogen/Air Mixed–Gas Fuels (I.D. Kellogg, F. Dogan, V. Petrovsky, and U.O. Koylu).
Fast Load Sharing Control Method for Modular Designed DC/AC Inverters in High Power Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power Plants (Y. Wu, and H. Gao).
A New DC–DC Converter for Fuel Cell Powered Distributed Power Generation Systems (R. Sharma, and H. Gao).
The Effect of Water on Natural Gas Desulfurization by Adsorption (A. Jayaraman, G. Alptekin, M. Dubovik, R. Amalfitano, M. Schaefer, and M. Ware).
General Topics in Electroceramics.
Materials and Process Innovations in Electroceramics.
Fluxes from Slip, Knudsen, and Poiseuille Flow in Narrow Capillaries (J.W. Yun, and S.J. Lombardo).
Dielectric Materials.
Microstructural Characteristics and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba[Mg1/3(NbX/4Ta(4–X)/4)2/3]O3 Ceramics (C.–F. Lin, H.–H. Lu, T.–I. Chang, and J.–L. Huang).
Effects of Electrode Geometry on Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Alumina (D. Tibbitts, R. Onuoha, D.K. Shetty, J. Boye, J. Burke, and L. Chidester).
Piezoelectric, Piezoresistive and Varistor Materials.
Doping Effect on the Microstructure and Piezoresistive Properties of Lanthanum Strontium Manganate (V. Sharma, M. Hossu, A.R. Koymen, and S. Priya).
Poster Session.
Crystallization Kinetics of Barium Strontium Titanate Glass–Ceramics (E.P. Gorzkowski, M.–J. Pan, B. Bender, and C.C.M. Wu).
Glass and Optical Materials.
Processing Related Issues I.
Fabrication of Semiconducting Glass Microchannel Plate by Using Double–Crucible Process (Z. Wang, Y. Hu, Y.J.L. Jay, Y. He, and B. Jiang).
Study of Manufacturing and Characterization of Metallic Glass Ni–Zr–Al (M. Nurbanasari, D. Hadiprayitno, and I. Pinayungan).
Processing Related Issues II.
Glass Formation and Crystallisation of LTCC Substrate by Laser Radiation (X. Liu, A. Jha, A. Bell, K.M. Nowak, H.J. Baker, and D.R. Hall).
Processing of Polycrystalline GSGG for Laser Host Applications (T. Garino, C. Phifer, J. Voigt, and D. Moore).
Anomalous Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Response of Silver Nanoparticles in Glass (H. Liu, S. Lysenko, J. Jimenez, and V.S. Vikhnin).
E–Glass and ECR–Glass Liquidus Temperature Measurement Techniques: Using Uniform Temperature Method and Heating Stage Microscope (A. Theerapapvisetpong, S. Jiemsirilers, L. Punsukumtana, and R. Conradt).
Spectroscopic Properties of Sm3+–Doped Oxide and Fluoride Glasses Using Visible and Near–IR Excitations (A. Jha, L. Huang, and S. Shen).
Materials and Modelling.
Regression Analysis on the Amount of Tetrahedral Boron in Borosilicate Glasses (T. Nanba, S. Sakida, and Y. Miura).
Poster Session.
Ab Initio Calculation of 17O NMR Parameters of Tricluster Oxygen Sites in Borosilicate Glasses (Y. Yoneyama, M. Urushihara, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, and Y. Miura).
Correlation between the Basicity and Optical Property of Er3+ Ion in Oxide Glasses (Y. Tateyama, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, and Y. Miura).
Molecular Orbital Calculation on the Chemical Bonding Character of Phosphate Glasses (Y. Asano, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, and Y. Miura).
Radiative Properties of AlN and Al2O3 (N.M. Ravindra, S. Shet, V. Dhir, V.K. Challa, S. Abedrabbo, and A.T. Fiory).
Structure and Optical Properties of TiO2 Containing Oxide Glasses (K. Inoue, S. Sakida, T. Nanba, and Y. Miura).
International Symposium on Advanced Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices.
Design and Preparation of Materials I.
Fine Particles in Advanced Technology (D.P. Uskokovi ).
Design and Preparation of Materials II.
Physics–Based Models of Dynamic Response of Piezoceramics (M. Willatzen, L.C. Lew Yan Voon, B. Lassen, and R. Melnik).
Growth of Heteroepitaxial Diamond Films by Bias Enhanced Nucleation (V.S. Jayaseelan, and R.N. Singh).
Prediction of Crystal Structure and Dielectric Properties of La(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O3(LZT) and Nd(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O3 (NZT) (K. Khamoushi, and T. Lepistö).
Material Preparation and Properties I.
Aluminum Oxynitride Dielectrics for High Energy Density Capacitor Applications (K.R. Bray, R.L.C. Wu, S. Fries–Carr, and J. Weimer).
Effects of Dolomite and BaCO3 Additives on the Electrical Properties of Bauxite Porcelain (Z.A. Nemati, and S.M. Abbasi).
Poster Session.
Ferroelectric Properties and Reliability of BiFeO3 Thin Films Prepared by a Chemical Solution Deposition (J.K. Kim, S.S. Kim, M.H. Park, J.W. Kim, R. Guo, and A.S. Bhalla).
Loss Mechanisms and High Power Piezoelectric Components (K. Uchino, J.H. Zheng, Y. Gao, S. Ural, S.–H. Park, N. Bhattacharya, and S. Hirose).
Processing–Microstructure–Property Relationships.
Domain Distribution in Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 Single–Crystal Plates (T. Ogawa).
Electrical Breakdown Strength of Alumina Single Crystal and Ceramics (S. Chao, V. Petrovsky, and F. Dogan).
Materials Application and Electronic Devices.
Microstructures and Interfacial Development of Y5V Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Ni Electrodes (L. Chen, X. Wang, Z. Gui, and L. Li).
Amorphous Diamond Film Application for Electroluminescent Devices (J.–C. Pu, S.–F. Wang, T.–P. Tang, and J.C. Sung).
Materials Prepartion and Properties II.
The Effect of Processing on the Dielectric Loss of CaCu3Ti4O12 Dielectrics (B.A. Bender, and M.–J. Pan).
Resistive Switching Behavior of SrZrO3–Based Films for Nonvolatile Memory Application (C.–C. Lin, and T.–Y. Tseng).
Author Index.
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