1. Introduction to bonding, structure, and structure-property relations; 2. Raw materials; 3. Chemical bonding and electronegativity; 4. Hardness, melting points and boiling points; 5. Planes, directions, and morphology; 6. Crystal systems and theoretical density; 7. Symmetry, point groups, and stereographic projections; 8. Covalent crystals; 9. Ionic crystals; 10. Metallic crystals; 11. Molecular crystals; 12. Polymers; 13. Pauling's rules, bond valence, and structure-field maps; 14. Crystal field theory; 15. Solid solutions and phase diagrams; 16. Defects; 17. Gases and liquids; 18. Glasses; 19. Silica and silicates; 20. Phase transformations; 21. Cement; 22. Surface properties; 23. Neumann's law and tensor properties; 24. Thermal properties; 25. Diffusion and ionic conductivity; 26. Electrical conductivity; 27. Optical properties; 28. Dielectrics and ferroelectrics; 29. Magnetism; 30. Mechanical properties; Appendix A. Crystallographic symbols; Appendix B. Shannon–Prewitt ionic radii.
Trolier-McKinstry, Susan
Susan Trolier-McKinstry is the Steward S. Flaschen Professor of Ceramic Science and Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Director of the Nanofabrication Facility at Pennsylvania State University. She is also the President of the Materials Research Society, and a Fellow of the IEEE and the American Ceramic Society.
Newnham, Robert E.
Robert E. Newnham was a Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He was the recipient of numerous awards, including the John Jeppson Medal from the American Ceramic Society and the Turnbull Lecturer Award from the Materials Research Society.