Introduction * Prolegomena to a history of medieval German medical literature: the 12th century, Bernhard Schnell * The Textual Transmission of the Codex Berleburg, Gundolf Keil * Harley MS 2558: a 15th-century medical commonplace book, Peter Murray Jones * A Reevaluation of Saint Hildegard's Physica in Light of the Latest Manuscript Finds, Melitta Weiss Adamson * Medicine in the Twelve Books on Rural Practices of Petrus de Cresentiis, William Crossgrove * Medicine in Medieval Calendar Manuscripts, Faith Wallis * Manuscript Sources for Birth Control, John M. Riddle * The Medical Manuscripts of the Bibliotheca Palatina, Debra Stoudt * Multitudes of Middle English Medical Manuscripts, or the Englishing of Science and Medicine, Linda Ehrsam Voigts * Notes on Contributors * Index