ISBN-13: 9781032191003 / Angielski / Twarda / 2022 / 184 str.
ISBN-13: 9781032191003 / Angielski / Twarda / 2022 / 184 str.
This book discusses quality assurance, production mngt., maintenance management of modern machinery and laboratory equipment towards achieving manufacturing excellence with benchmarking and industry norms in spinning mills. Case studies are provided with chapters on training and development of employees, energy management &customer focus.
Dedication Acknowledgements Foreword About the Author Preface 1 Quality and Process Management in a Spinning Mill Learning Goals Introduction 1.1 Spinning mills-Flow chart of operations 1.2 Quality of Incoming raw material (Cotton) 1.3 Mixing Quality 1.4 In process Quality 1.4.1 Blow room 1.4.2 Cards 1.4.3 Pre comber Draw frame and Lap former 1.4.4 Combers 1.4.5 Finisher Draw frames 1.4.6 Speed frames 1.4.7 Ring frames 1.4.8 Ring Frames with Compact System 1.4.9 Autconers 1.4.10 Yarn conditioning 1.4.11 Packing 1.4.12 Assembly winding and Two for one twisters 1.5 Classimat faults 1.6 Package Defects- End use Performance 1.7 Process and Quality Audits 1.8 Application of Statistical Techniques in Spinning mills 1.9 Quality control Equipments in a Spinning mill 1.9.1 Fiber testing equipments 1.9.2 In process materials testing equipments 1.9.3 Final yarn testing equipments 1.10 Final Lot inspection of products 1.11 Key Performance Parameters (Quality) in each department CS1: Case study on”Higher level of End breaks in 40s Combed Compact Warp yarn” CS 2: Case study on”Higher Unevenness in Finisher Draw frame sliver” CS 3:Case study on” Increase of Clearer cuts in Autoconers in 60s Combed Compact Weaving yarn” CS 4: Case study on” Increase in Foreign fiber(FD) cuts in Autoconers” CS 5 : Case study on “Increase of Yarn Count CV in 40s Combed Hosiery Yarn during Final Lot Inspection” Annexure I : Quality Assurance department Organogram Annexure II: Model Quality Control schedule for Mills striving for excellence in Manufacturing Annexure III: Estimation of Contamination Index Annexure IV A : Evolution of Clearers Annexure IV B : Classimat faults Annexure V : Package defects Annexure VI: Process Audit Format Annexure VII : Quality Audit Format Annexure VIII: Final Inspection Lot Report Format 2 Maintenance Management in Spinning mills Learning Goals Introduction 2.0 Types of Maintenance 2.1 Breakdown Maintenance-First Generation Maintenance 2.2 Planned Maintenance-Second Generation Maintenance 2.2.1 Routine Maintenance 2.2.2 Lubrication 2.2.3 Replacement programme 2.3 Preventive Maintenance 2.4 Systems to enhance Maintenance of Assets/Machinery in Spinning mills 2.4.2 FMEA-Failure Mode Effect Analysis 2.4.3 TPM-Total Productive Maintenance 2.5 Predictive Maintenance-Third Generation Maintenance 2.5.1 Smart predictive maintenance-SPDM( Third Generation Maintenance Extension) 2.6 Smart Prescriptive Maintenance Framework-SPMF (Fourth Generation Maintenance) CS 6: Case study on”Impact of Buffing Accuracy on Yarn Quality” CS 7: Case Study on” Impact of Air leakage on Mis-splicing % in Autoconers” CS 8: Case Study on “Process FMEA on Weak places in 80s Combed Compact Warp yarn” CS 9: Case Study on ” Impact of 5S implementation in a Spinning mill” CS 10: Case Study on ”Design FMEA in a Spinning mill” CS 11: Case Study on ” QAD-Maintenance interface” CS 12: Case Study on ” MTTR-Mean Time To Repair(TPM)” Annexure IX A: Model Checklist for effective Machinery Maintenance Audit-Online Annexure IX B: Model Checklist for effective Machinery Maintenance Audit-Offline Annexure X: TPM-Gap analysis audit format Annexure XI: TPM Organogram 3 Production Management in Spinning Mills Learning Goals Introduction 3.1 Utilisation efficiency 3.2 Production efficiency 3.3 Benchmarking 3.4 Yarn Realisation 3.4.1 Invisible loss 3.4.2 Best practices to achieve higher and consistent Yarn Realisation & control on Saleable waste 3.4.3 Measures to achieve Standard Yarn realization 3.5 Manufacturing of Sustainable products 3.6 Manufacturing of Value added yarns 3.7 Automation in Spinning Mills 3.7.1 Automation towards Yarn Quality improvements 3.7.2 Automation towards Production improvement 3.7.3 Automation towards improving labour productivity CS 13 :Case Study on “Spindle point production improvement in 80s Combed Compact Weaving” CS 14: Case Study on “ Impact of Short Stretch in Compact Spinning Ring frame” CS 15: Case Study on “ Improvement of Spindle point production with Slim Tubes “ CS 16 : Case Study on “ Utilisation Efficiency Improvement” CS 17: Case Study on “Yarn Realisation improvement” Annexure XIIA : Model Spin plan Annexure XII B: Production formulae used in Spin plan Annexure XIII: Model mill Standard document for Spindle point production in grams per spindle per 8 hours Annexure XIV: Model Chart for Estimation of Yarn Realisation Annexure XV: Model Chart for Zone wise Waste analysis for Cards 4 Training and Development Learning Goals Introduction 4.1 Definition of Training 4.2 Chronology of the development of T&D 4.3 Scope of training and development 4.3.1 Development of employees by Human resource department 4.3.2 Mechanisms for successful training and development system 4.4 Management Development Programme 4.4.1 Objectives of the Management Development programme 4.5 HPT-Human Performance Technology CS 18: Case Study on “ Improvement in work assignment in Ring frame Through Re- training” CS 19: Case Study on “ Improvement in work Assignment in Autoconer department through Retraining” Annexure XVI : Standards for Training period and Evaluation Measures 5 Energy Management Learning Goals Introduction 5.1 Power consumption in a Spinning mill 5.2 Power consumption –Industry norms for Spinning mills 5.3 Innovative projects for energy conservation 5.4 Measures to reduce energy consumption in Compressors 5.5 Power Quality-Harmonics 5.5.1 Sources of Harmonics 5.5.2 Effects of Harmonics 5.5.3 Selection of Harmonic Filter 5.6 Energy Audit 5.7 Rewinding of Motors 5.8 Energy Efficient Motors 5.9 Renewable Energy CS 20 : Case Study on “ Incorporation of MD Controllers” CS 21: Case Study on “ Energy Savings in AWES - Automatic Waste Evacuation System” CS 22 : Case Study on “Inverter control for Pneumafil in Ring frame” Annexure XVII : Model chart for Standard Power consumption in a Spinning Mill with 50400 spindles Annexure XVIII: Test Procedure for Assessment of Rewound Motors 6 Customer Focus Learning Goals Introduction 6.1 Types of Customers of Spinning Mills 6.1.1 Knitters 6.1.2 Weavers 6.1.3 Value addition customers like Double yarn/Plied yarn/Gassed yarn manufacturers 6.1.4 Industrial Thread Manufacturers like Cotton sewing threads /Tyre cord fabric Manufacturers 6.2 Customer Satisfaction 6.3 Co-Creation 6.4 Taylor Made products CS 23: Case Study on “Customer Service Environment-Take the Initiative” CS 24: Case Study on “Customer Service Environment- Customer Service Horror Story” CS 25: Case Study on “ Customer Service Environment-Do more than the Competition” Annexure XIX : Model format for Customer Satisfaction Audit Annexure XX : Estimation of Customer Satisfaction Index 7 Industry 4.0 Learning Goals Introduction 7.1 Industry 4.0-what does it bring to us? 7.2 Evolution of the Industry 4.0 7.3 Goals of the Industry 4.0 7.4 Smart Manufacturing Spinners Annexure XXI: Smart Manufacturing Spinners (Industry 4.0) –Configuration Annexure XXII: Payback estimation –Factors to be considered for Installation of Individual Spindle monitoring system. List of Tables List of Case studies List of Annexure References
A.Kanthimathinathan, is a Management Consultant for the Spinning Mills through his own outfit WINSYS SMC, operating from Coimbatore,India. He is a post graduate from in Textile Technology from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore and later acquired PG Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations from NIPM, Calcutta. He has 42 years of experience in reputed Spinning mills and in a Research Association. He has more than thirty technical papers published in Industry and Research journals. One of the book, co-authored by him , won the `Best Book Award` from Textile Association of India. He is also one of the recipient of NRDC(National Research Development Council) Award for a joint contribution towards an UNDP sponsored project. He contributed for nine patents for product development while serving at SITRA (The South India Textile Research Association, Coimbatore). He had been deputed to Leeds University, UK and Clemson University, USA by SITRA on an UNDP sponsored project to study and acquire knowledge from academic experts . He had visited many mills in India and few mills abroad on technical consultancy visits through SITRA as well as his through his own Consultancy organization. He shared his technical knowledge through various platforms like National level textile Conferences, Seminars conducted by Research Associations, Textile Associations and Academic institutions etc. As a CEO, WINSYS SMC, he has conducted several technical seminars across India for the benefit of professionals serving in textile industries.
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