Preface xiiiAcknowledgments xiIntroduction 1Chapter 1 You and Your Nonprofit Deserve Risk Management 3Chapter 2 Learn the Language of Lean Risk Management 17Part I Identify 35Chapter 3 Perform a Risk Inventory 37Part II Prioritize 49Chapter 4 Prioritize Your Risks 51Chapter 5 Create Your Risk Register 61Part III Respond 71Chapter 6 Respond to Your Risks 73Part IV Assess and Improve 95Chapter 7 Develop a Risk Management Cycle 97Chapter 8 Work with Risks at the Board Level 107Chapter 9 Implement Lean Risk Management Incrementally 115Conclusion 129Appendix 1 50 Reasons Why It Is Hard to Run a Nonprofit 131Appendix 2 Questions to Use During Risk Inventories 147Appendix 3 Nonprofit Risk Management Policy Templates 171Appendix 4 Fundamental Risk Management Elements (FRaMEs) 175Appendix 5 A Simple Compliance Checklist 181Sources and Methodology 187Notes 197About the Author 209Index 211
TED BILICH is the Chief Executive Officer of Risk Alternatives LLC, a consulting firm working with nonprofits and entrepreneurial organizations that helps to identify and address threats and opportunities, confront challenges, and create processes and systems to help mitigate risk and achieve organizational goals.