»By looking in depth at these eco-social organizations, this book gives careful hope and carves strategies for radical trajectories, becoming an important addition to discussions around degrowth and post-capitalist geographies.« Xavier Balaguer Rasillo, https://antipodeonline.org, 11.12.2020 Besprochen in: ORLIS, 9 (2020) www.kommunalweb.de, 9 (2020) Urban Geography, 27.01.2021, Ella Hubbard Eurasian Geography and Economics, 63/1 (2022), Jan Bartsch/Markus Sattler
Schmid, BenediktBenedikt Schmid holds a doctorate in geography from the University of Luxembourg and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the chair Geography of Global Change at the University of Freiburg. His research focusses on the role of community initiatives and social enterprises in the transition towards a post-growth economy.