Part I Logic, Epistemology, and Scientific Theories. From Peano to the Vienna Circle
1 Introduction: Symbolic Logic and Scientific Philosophy
Paola Cantù and Georg Schiemer
2 Peano’s Geometry: From Empirical Foundations to Abstract Development
Joan Bertran-San-Millán
3 Altered States. Borel and the Probabilistic Approach to Reality
Laurent Mazliak and Marc Sage
4 "Poincaré: the Philosopher" by Léon Brunschvicg. A Perspective
Frédéric Patras
5 Leibniz and the Vienna Circle
Massimo Ferrari
6 Schlick, Weyl, Husserl: On Scientific Philosophy
Julien Bernard
7 Federigo Enriques and the Philosophical Background to the Discussion of Implicit Definitions
Francesca Biagioli
8 Schlick and Carnap on Definitions
Pierre Wagner
9 Russell and Carnap or Bourbaki? Two Ways Towards Structures
Paola Cantù and Frédéric Patras
10 Carnap and Gödel, Again
Gabriella Crocco
Part II General Part
11 Returns of Modality: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Arthur Pap
Sanford Shieh
12 Is Wittgenstein Still an Analytic Philosopher?
James Klagge
13 Frank on Special Relativity: 1908-1912
John Stachel
Part III Reviews
14 Review Essay: Mark Textor, The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn against Metaphysics. Austrian Philosophy 1874–1918, Oxford University Press 2021
Josef Hlade
15 Review Essay: Rudolf Carnap, Tagebücher, Band 1 und 2, Meiner Verlag 2021
Anne Siegesleitner
16 Review: Adam Tuboly, The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic, Palgrave Macmillan 2021
Joseph Bentley
17 Review: Meike G. Werner (Ed.), Ein Gipfel für Morgen. Kontroversen 1917/18 um die Neuordnung Deutschlands auf Burg Lauenstein, Wallstein Verlag 2021
Christian Damböck
18 Review: Günther Sandner, Weltsprache ohne Worte. Rudolf Modley, Margaret Mead und das Glyphs-Projekt, Turia + Kant 2022; Christopher Burke, Wim Jansen, Soft propaganda, special relationships, and a new democracy, Adprint and Isotype 1942–1948, Uitgeverij de Buitenkant 2022
Silke Körber
19 Review: Ilse Korotin, Amalia M. Rosenblüth-Dengler (1892-1979). Philosophin und Bibliothekarin. Biografische Spuren eines Frauenlebens zwischen Aufbruch und Resignation, Praesens Verlag 2021
Philipp Leon Bauer
Paola Cantù is Chargée de Recherche CNRS (CRHC) at the Centre Gilles Gaston Granger at Aix-Marseille Université.
Georg Schiemer is professor at the Department of Philosophy and head of department of the Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna. He is also an external fellow at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at LMU Munich.
This book provides a collection of chapters on the development of scientific philosophy and symbolic logic in the early twentieth century. The turn of the last century was a key transitional period for the development of symbolic logic and scientific philosophy. The Peano school, the editorial board of the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, and the members of the Vienna Circle are generally mentioned as champions of this transformation of the role of logic in mathematics and in the sciences. The scholarship contained provides a rich historical and philosophical understanding of these groups and research areas. Specifically, the contributions focus on a detailed investigation of the relation between structuralism and modern mathematics. In addition, this book provides a closer understanding of the relation between symbolic logic and previous traditions such as syllogistics. This volume also informs the reader on the relation between logic, the history and didactics in the Peano School. This edition appeals to students and researchers working in the history of philosophy and of logic, philosophy of science, as well as to researchers on the Vienna Circle and the Peano School.