b. Original Sin Becomes Privative: Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory Nazianzen
c. Lacking Punishment: Anselm and Abelard
d. The ‘Birth’ of Limbo: Albertus Magnus and Alexander of Hales
e. From Neutral to Joyous Limbo: Saint Bonaventure and Saint Thomas
4 Poetic Limbo in Dante and Milton
5 Prolegomena to any translation of Limbo
4 Crisis
1 Interesting times
2 Taking it Seriously
3 What’s in a Meaning
4 The Crisis of Crisis
5 Modernity: A Limboic Fool’s Paradise
1 Time is Out of Joint
2 Exhausted Space
3 Limbo as Perennial Crisis
6 Extraduction: Ascent out of Limbo
Kristof K.P. Vanhoutte is Research Fellow at the University of the Free State, South Africa, and Invited Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome, Italy.
The observation that our world is signed by a lasting crisis is as much underwritten as it is questioned. This book offers a new and provocative thesis by taking recourse to the religious discourse of Limbo, and by investigating the temporal and spatial structures of crisis and modernity. Modernity reveals itself to be the state of perennial crisis, and we all live in an immanentized state of Limbo.