1. Libraries, digital information, and COVID: Practical applications and approaches to challenge and change Part One: Immediate challenges 2. Working towards a "new normal: HKUST's innovations and adaptations in response to COVID-19 3. Back to the future? Practical consequences and strategic implications of a UK academic library's COVID response 4. Teaching librarians' experiences in the first months of system change 5. How the Corona pandemic has influenced public libraries in Denmark 6. Digital information services provided by libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic: Case studies from the viewpoint of supply chain management 7. COVID-19: Libraries' responses to the global health emergency 8. The role of research libraries in promoting open-access resources and maintaining online community 9. Project and programme delivery in a pandemic setting Part Two: Analysis and opportunities for new behaviours Section A: How we learn? 10. Acceleration of digital learning and what it means for libraries 11. Libraries, learning, and porous boundaries: Reimagining the library landscape and its inhabitants 12. Digital-first approaches and the library brand in a post-pandemic world 13. During COVID-19: Emerging themes in higher education 14. Student satisfaction with library resources in the COVID-19 era: A case study of Portuguese academic libraries 15. No one left behind 16. COVID-19 and the digital divide in higher education: A Commonwealth perspective Section B: Supply of information 17. The use of data in publishing and acquisition strategies 18. Trustworthy or not? Research data on COVID-19 in data repositories 19. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientific production Section C: Psychological effects-Adjustment or radical alteration? 20. Something old, something new 21. Library space and COVID-19: Re-thinking of place and re-designing of digital space 22. Online misinformation, its influence on the student body, and institutional responsibilities 23. Crowdsourcing COVID-19: A brief analysis of librarian posts on Reddit 24. No child ignored Part Three: Re-shaping society and the future 25. "Normalizing the online/blended delivery method into a lasting cultural shift 26. The battered library-Navigating the future in a new reality 27. Look to the future now, it's only just begun. The changing role of libraries during and after COVID-19 28. After COVID? Classical mechanics 29. The times they are a-changin': But how fundamentally and how rapidly? Academic library services post-pandemic 30. Envisioning opportunities and movement for the future of academic libraries 31. A framework for sustainable success Appendix A: Delphi questions
David Baker has published widely in the field of Library and Information Studies, with 19 monographs and over 100 articles to his credit. He has spoken worldwide at numerous conferences and led workshops and seminars. His other key professional interest and expertise has been in the field of human resources, where he has also been active in major national projects. He has held senior positions at several institutions, including as Principal and Chief Executive of Plymouth Marjon University, and Emeritus Professor of Strategic Information Management. He has also been Deputy Chair of the Joint Information Systems Committee (Jisc). Until recently he was a member of the Board of Governors of the Universities of Northampton and South Wales. He is Chair of the Board of the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance. He is a leader in the field of library and information science.
Lucy Ellis is a consultant and research associate within higher education. Her background is as a lecturer, research scientist and project development consultant. With Professor David Baker she is Editor-in-Chief for the Elsevier Major Reference Work 'Encyclopaedia of Libraries, Librarianship, and Information Science' and Chandos-Elsevier Series Editor for 'Digital Information Review' and the 'Advances in Information' series. Recent books in this series include Libraries, Digital Information and COVID: Practical Applications and Approaches to Challenge and Change and Future Directions in Digital Information: Predictions, Practice and Participation. She is a reviewer for Information and Learning Sciences (Wiley), Journal of British Institute of Organ Studies, British Academy grants scheme and the publisher Palgrave. Following a PhD in Experimental Phonetics she worked as a Senior Lecturer and programme leader at Plymouth Marjon University and as a project development consultant. She holds an Honorary Research Fellowship with the College of Humanities at Exeter University.