Bibliografia Obwoluta Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
List of Illustrations
Timeline of the French Revolution
Glossary of People and Places
1. Women in the Revolution
2. The Women and the Prisons: A Walk-Through 18th-Century Paris
3. Awakening to Injustice: The Formative Years of Gouges, Roland and Grouchy
4. Making her own Way: Olympe de Gouges
5. Speaking for Herself: Marie-Jeanne Roland
6. Working Together: Sophie de Grouchy
7. The Women on the Other Side of the Channel
8. The American Dream: From Republican model to Asylum of Freedom
9. The Abolitionist Movement and the Revolution
10. Women in the City
Epilogue: Writing out the Women: Sophie de Grouchy After the Terror
A Revolutionary Bookshelf