Towards a Unified View of Modeling and Programming (Track Summary).- Programming - Modeling - Engineering.- On a Unified View of Modeling and Programming: Position Paper.- On the Feasibility of a Unified Modelling and Programming Paradigm.- Modeling Meets Programming:A Comparative Study in Model Driven Engineering Action Languages.- Abstractions for Modeling Complex Systems.- Specifying and Verifying Advanced Control Features.- Simplifying OMG MOF-based Metamodeling.- Modelling and Testing of Real Systems.- Unifying Modelling and Programming: A Systems Biology Perspective.- Formally Unifying Modeling and Design for Embedded Systems - a Personal View.- Interactive Model-Based Compilation Continued -- Incremental Hardware Synthesis for SCCharts.- Towards Semantically Integrated Models and Tools for Cyber-Physical Systems Design.- Merging Modeling and Programming using Umple.- Systems Modeling and Programming in a Unified Environment based on Julia.- Meta-Level Reuse for Mastering Domain Specialization.- Towards a Unified View of Modeling and Programming.- Formal Methods and Safety Certification: Challenges in the Railways Domain .- On the Use of Static Checking in the Verification of Interlocking systems.- Compositional Verification of Multi-Station Interlocking Systems.- OnTrack: The Railway Verification Toolset.- Experiments in Formal Modelling of a Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm for a CBTC System.- Tuning energy consumption strategies in the railway domain: a model-based approach.- Runtime Verification and Enforcement, the (Industrial) Application Perspective (Track Introduction).- What is a Trace? A Runtime Verification Perspective.- Execution Trace Analysis Using LTL-FO+.- Challenges in Fault-tolerant Distributed Runtime Verification.- The HARMONIA project: Hardware Monitoring for Automotive Systems-of-Systems.- Runtime Verification for Interconnected Medical Devices.- Dynamic Analysis of Regression Problems in Industrial Systems: Challenges and Solutions.- Towards a Logic for Inferring Properties of Event Streams.- Runtime Verification for Stream Processing Applications.- On the Runtime Enforcement of Evolving Privacy Policies in Online Social Networks.- On the Specification and Enforcement of Privacy-Preserving Contractual Agreements.- Introduction to Track on Variability Modeling for Scalable Software Evolution.- Towards Incremental Validation of Railway Systems.- Modeling and Optimizing Automotive Electric/Electronic (E/E) Architectures: Towards Making Clafer Accessible to Practitioners.- Variability-Based Design of Services for Smart Transportation Systems.- Comparing AWS deployments using model-based predictions.- A Toolchain for Delta-Oriented Modeling of Software Product Lines.- A Technology-Neutral Role-Based Collaboration Model for Software Ecosystems.- Adaptable Runtime Monitoring for the Java Virtual Machine.- Identifying Variability in Object-Oriented Code Using Model-Based Code Mining.- User Profiles for Context-Aware Reconfiguration in Software Product Lines.- Refactoring Delta Oriented Product Lines to Enforce Guidelines for Efficient Type-checking.- Detecting and Understanding Software Doping -- Track Introduction.- Facets of Software Doping.- Software that meets its Intent.- Compliance, Functional Safety & Fault Detection by Formal Methods.- What the Hack Is Wrong with Software Doping?.- Learning Systems: Machine-Learning in Software Products and Learning-Based Analysis of Software Systems (Special Track at ISoLA 2016).- ALEX: Mixed-Mode Learning of Web Applications at Ease.- Assuring the Safety of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems through a Combination of Simulation and Runtime Monitoring.- Enhancement of an adaptive HEV operating strategy using machine learning algorithms.- Testing the Internet of Things.- Data Science Challenges to Improve Quality Assurance of Internet of Things Applications.- Model-Based Testing as a Service for IoT Platforms.- ISoLA Doctoral Symposium.- Handling domain knowledge in formal design models: An ontology based approach.- A retrospective of the past four years with Industry 4.0.- Effective and Efficient Customization through Lean Trans-Departmental Configuration.- A Fully Model-Based Approach to Software Development for Industrial Centrifuges.- RERS 2016: Parallel and Sequential Benchmarks with Focus on LTL Verification.- DIME: A Programming-Less Modeling Environment for Web Applications.- Verification Techniques for Hybrid Systems.- On the Power of Statistical Model Checking.