Invocation: The Space, The Conversation, The Bridge.
The Deep Roots of a Farm-Girl Professor: An Introduction to the Themes of This Book, Joann S. Olson.
The Borrowed Identity, Vickie J. Claflin.
A Few Good Allies: Developing Educational Leadership in a Community That Needs You, Laura Lee Douglass.
From Humble Beginnings to Respected Educator: Navigating the Labyrinth of Lifelong Learning, Bonnie Flynn.
Good Girls Know Better: Blue Collar Chicagoland to Academia, Jennifer K. Holtz.
A Tale of Two Adult Educators, Carrie Johnson and Vicky Duckworth.
Assimilate or Shut Up! Lessons I Learned about Isolation as a Non-Traditional Graduate Student, Jeffrey A. Masko.
I Never Thought I’d Find Myself in College, Lisa Modenos.
Learning Against the Odds: Perspectives on Navigating U.S. Higher Education Environments as a Working-Class Immigrant, Kayon Murray-Johnson and Yvonne Hunter-Johnson.
From Impostor to Infiltrator: Leveraging Working-Class Funds of Knowledge to Navigate and Change Academic Culture, Cecilia M. Orphan and Candyce Reynolds.
Experiencing Connection: Applied Learning, Anastasia L. Pratt.
Getting Outside of My “Six Blocks” with Bloom, Darryl R. Privott.
A Square Peg in a Round Hole: Trying to Find a Fit in the Academy, Amy L. Sedivy- Benton.
Why We Need Bridges, Karin Sprow Forté.
The Influence of “Have Not-ness” on One Academic Trajectory, Karen A. Stevens.
Journey from Working-Class Student to Scholar: Overcoming Feelings of Otherness, Tina Stinson-DaCruz.
Just Keep Swimming, Cynthia Suopis.
Challenges and Perspectives: Retracing the Steps and Leaps of Faith of a Female African American, Working-Class Scholar’s Journey Toward the Professoriate, Amanda Wilkerson.
Relevance, Motivation, and Encouragement: An Educator’s Transformation Origin and Beginnings, Michael T. Worthington.
On Fire from Undergraduate Studies, Disillusioned in a Master’s Program: Discovering the Real Meaning of Social Capital Behind the Scene, Yarrow (a pseudonym).