PART I – HISTORY, LAW, AND CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATION. 1 Introduction. 2 A legal and constitutional history of local government. 3 Local government, subsidiarity, and the Constitution. PART II – LOCAL GOVERNMENT STRUCTURES, DEMOCRACY, AND MONEY. 4 Councils, councillors, and mayors. 5 Local elections and citizen engagement. 6 Local government finance. PART III – CENTRAL-LOCAL RELATIONS AND CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM. 7 Relations between central, devolved, and local government. 8 A new constitutional settlement for local government. APPENDICES – THE SURVEYS AND THE COUNCILS
John Stanton is a Senior Lecturer in Law at City, University of London, UK. He lectures on constitutional law and comparative constitutional law and is the co-author of a leading public law textbook. John’s first monograph – Democratic Sustainability in a New Era of Localism was published by Routledge in 2014. John is regularly invited to speak internationally on local government, democracy, and devolution, and was recently asked to give oral evidence to the parliamentary Select Committee on Housing, Communities, and Local Government. John is also interested in the Constitution of Malta.