Series Editor's Preface viCall...cry...shout...yell viiiIntroduction: Res humanitatis, A Montage xAcknowledgments xvii1 Bowler Hats 12 Magic Beans 223 Red Flags 394 Roasted Chicken 575 Eye Patches and Telenovelas 766 Ugh! Soup! 957 Holy Wurlitzer 1158 Mapuche Flag and Rap 1339 Eye Patch Laughs and Bubble Gum Wraps 15210 Ski Masks 17210 Coda Ski Masks and Soccer 187Re-Call and Conclusion 195Bibliography 200Index 214
WILLIAM H. BEEZLEY is Professor of History at the University of Arizona. He has taught at SUNY and North Carolina State University, held visiting positions at the Universities of Texas, Calgary, and british Columbia, and held Endowed Chairs at TCU and Tulane. The Mexican government awarded him the Ohtli medal.