La Prehistoire de la Decouverte des Lasers. Absorption Negative et Dispersion Negative.- A new measurement of the relativistic Doppler shift.- Laser — Nuclear spectroscopy.- Nonlinear spectroscopy.- Recent developments in dye lasers.- Generation of vacuum ultraviolet radiation by nonlinear mixing in atomic and ionic vapors.- Tunable VUV lasers and picosecond pulses.- Rotation-vibration spectroscopy of gases by Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering application to concentration and temperature measurements.- Stratospheric studies using tunable laser spectroscopy.- Spectroscopy with spin-flip Raman laser: Mode properties and external cavity operation.- New laser measurement techniques for excited electronic states of diatomic molecules.- Excimer and energy transfer lasers.- Laser fluorimetry.- Selective photochemistry in an intense infrared field.- Laser magnetic resonance (LMR) spectroscopy of gaseous free radicals.- High resolution laser spectroscopy of the D-lines of on-line produced radioactive sodium isotopes.- Comparison of saturation and two-photon resonances.- High resolution two-photon spectroscopy.- Optically induced atomic energy level shifts and two-photon spectroscopy.- Infrared laser stark spectroscopy.- Recent advances int unable infrared lasers.- A broadly tunable IR source.- Broadly tunable lasers using color centers.- The oxygen auroral transition laser system excited by collisional and photolytic energy transfer.- Synchronous mode-locked dye lasers for picosecond spectroscopy and nonlinear mixing.- Photochemistry and isotope separation in formaldehyde.- Separation of uranium isotopes by selective photoionization.- Laser isotope separation.- Isotopic enrichment in laser photochemistry.- Laser chemistry.- Atoms in strong resonant fields spectral distribution of the fluorescence light.- Perturbed fluorescence spectroscopy.- Laser spectroscopy of small molecules.- Atomic fluorescence induced by monochromatic excitation.- On the 2P3/2-2S1/2 energy difference in very light muonic systems.- Ultrafast vibrational relaxation and energy transfer in liquids.- Studies of chemical and physical processes with picosecond lasers.- Time resolved spectroscopy with sub-picosecond optical pulses.- Quantum electrodynamic calculation of quantum beats in a spontaneously radiating three level system.- Collision induced optical double resonance.- High resolution studies with Doppler free resonances; Recent works at MIT.- Some comments on the dissociation of polyatomic molecules by intense 10.6 ?m radiation.- Excitation of highly forbidden transitions by tunable lasers and search for parity violation induced by neutral currents.- Collisional angular momentum mixing in Rydberg states of sodium.- Spectroscopy of highly excited S and D states of potassium by two photon absorption.- High-resolutions two-photon absorption spectroscopy of highly-excited D states of Rb atoms.- Two-photon molecular electronic spectroscopy in the gas phase.- Two-photon laser isotope separation of atomic uranium — Spectroscopic studies, excited state lifetimes, and photoionization cross sections.- Isotope separation in the solid state.- Saturated dispersion by laser beam deviation in a saturated medium.- Progress in saturated dispersion spectroscopy of iodine.- Magnetic octupole interaction in I2.- High-resolution Raman spectroscopy with a tunable laser.- Time dependence of the third-harmonic generation in Rb-Xe mixtures.- Generation of tunable coherent radiation at 1460 Å in magnesium.- Non-optical observation of zero-field level crossing effects in a sodium beam.- Dressed atom picture of high intensity gas laser.- Nonlinear resonant photoionization in molecular iodine.- Infrared — X-ray double resonance study of 2P3/2-2S1/2 splitting in hydrogenic fluorine.- Stark ionization of high-lying Rydberg states of sodium.