"Integrity in her work as researcher and activist is also evident in her analysis of activism for the Isthmus Zapotec language community, as well as her thorough discussion of the embeddedness of hierarchical, essentialist, and colonial social imaginaries about language in the Isthmus and beyond. This rich text demonstrating De Korne's thorough research should be of great value to activists, linguists, educators, policymakers, and students of multiple disciplines." Samuel D. Meyer in: Journal of Linguistic Anthropology,https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jola.12356.
"A través de l'anàlisi etnogràfica d'un cas concret, l'autora [...] elabora una arquitectura conceptual generalitzable a altres contextos. En aquest sentit, a més d'acomplir un objectiu acadèmic, es posa al servei d'activistes i professionals que treballen en altres àrees i sobre altres comunitats i llengües minoritzades."
["Through ethnographic analysis of a specific case, the author [...] elaborates a conceptual architecture that is generalizable to other contexts. In this sense, in addition to fulfilling an academic objective, the book is placed at the service of activists and professionals who work in other areas and on other communities and minoritized languages."]
Joan-Albert Argenter Giralt in: Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law