I. INTRODUCTION 1 2. MARRIAGE 22 3. FAMILIES, KINSHIP AND NEIGHBOURHOOD: I 42 4. FAMILIES, KINSHIP AND NEIGHBOURHOOD: II 59 5. THE DISTRIBUTION OF LAND IN PISTICCI, 1814-1960 73 6. WORK 92 7. FRAGMENTATION AT CAPOROTONDO 107 8. RIGHTS AND RESOURCES 119 9. SOME EFFECTS OF MODERNIZATION PROGRAMMES 146 10. LAND TENURE, KINSHIP AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE 157 APPENDICES 163 I. The natural environment of Pisticci, 163 II. The distribution of population, March 1963, 166 III. Some points of family law, 169 IV. The Cadaster, 185 V. Equivalent measures, 188 VI. Synoptic chart of work required to cultivate one hectare of plain land under various crops, 189 LIST OF WORKS CITED 193INDEX 195
J. Davis is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Kent.