Introduction Patricia Gherovici and Manya Steinkoler; Part I. The Laughing Cure: 1. Sarah's laughter: where babies and humor come from Manya Steinkoler; 2. Psychoanalysis as Gai Saber: towards a new episteme of laughter Dany Nobus; 3. Laughing about nothing: Democritus and Lacan Patricia Gherovici; 4. The surplus jouissance of the joke: from Freud to Lacan Marcel Drach; 5. Can you spare a laugh? Lacan, Freud, and Marx on the economy of jokes Jean Michel Rabaté; 6. Mother Pumper and the analyst's donuts Jamieson Webster; 7. Not in the humor: bulimic dreams Carol Owens; Part II. Comedy on the Couch: 8. Psychoanalysis and tragicomedy: Measure for Measure after Zizek's Lacanian dialectics Geoff Boucher; 9. Comedy and the agency of the letter in A Midsummer Night's Dream Matthew Sharpe; 10. Jane Austen's wit-craft Molly Rothenberg; 11. The sexual politics of comedy: Henry James's 'The Chaperon' Sigi Jöttkandt; 12. Power in the closet: and its coming out Alenka Zupančič; Part III. He Who Laughs Last, Laughs Last: Epilogue: repetition, repetition, repetition: Richard Prince and the three R's Simon Critchley.