ISBN-13: 9781478180586 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 242 str.
Political scientist Michael Haas brings together essays by seven distinguished authors with different ideas about how North and South Korea might again become a single, unified state. The book presents a history of Korea and pathways that may be followed to bring the two Koreas together in a confederation or federation despite different economic and ideological systems-and new material identifies progress already achieved toward the goal of reunification. Chapters deal with the following approaches that have been used in other cases of divided peoples who eventually became unified under a single government: Neutralization - concluding a peace treaty and dismantling armies Functionalism - nonpolitical cross-border economic and social contact Nonviolence - the tradition of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Mediation - how third parties can facilitate agreements between North & South Negotiation - diplomacy involving professionals and nonprofessionals In addition, one chapter examines the feasibility of reunification from a political and military perspective. The final chapter assesses progress over the past 25 years and prospects for the future. The book has several unique elements: Proves that plans of both Koreas have changed dramatically over the years. Shows 4 basic ways to redesign relations between the Koreas. Explodes the myth that the two Koreas do not talk to each other. Explains how both Pyongyang and Seoul co-hosted the Olympic Games in 1988. Indicates that more than 100 South Korea companies operate in the North. Cites approved visits of ordinary North Koreans to South Korea and vice versa. Specifies 5 tasks for nonviolent global transformation. Traces the impact of the ending of the Cold War on both Koreas. Explains second- and third-track diplomacy-and who is involved today. Suggests how reunification could occur "spontaneously." Provides guidelines for successful negotiation outcomes. Identifies the size of armies and revenue from arms exports of both Koreas. Reveals that the USA withdrew all nuclear warheads from South Korea in 1991. Dates the origin of North Korea's nuclear program from the Cold War's end. Compares divided Korea with other divided peoples around the world. Gives details about Korea's relations with China, Japan, Russia, USA. Table of Contents Preface 1 Introduction (Michael Haas) 2 The Historical Approach (Michael Haas) 3 The Neutralization Approach (Johan Galtung) 4 The Functional Approach (Michael Haas) 5 The Nonviolence Approach (Glenn D. Paige) 6 The Mediation Approach (Theodore L. Becker) 7 The Negotiation Approach (Oran R. Young) 8 The Political Feasibility Approach (Dae-Sook Suh) 9 The Contemporary Approach (Jae-Bong Lee) Appendices: 5 Plans for Reunification Combined References Index Contributors Theodore L. Becker, Auburn University Johan Galtung, Transcend (formerly University of Oslo) Michael Haas, California Polytechnic University, Pomona Jae-Bong Lee, Wonkwang University Glenn D. Paige, University of Hawaii Dae-Sook Suh, University of Hawaii Oran R. Young, University of California, Santa Barbara