"Changing behavior using theory and evidence can be a daunting challenge - Drs. Harrison and Graham have risen to this challenge by providing us with a thoughtful and pragmatic "Roadmap" to guide our implementation activities from planning to sustainability. These authors have integrated the science and practice of implementation into a user-friendly "Roadmap" to optimize our success as implementers on the clinical frontline."--Dr. Sharon E. Straus, HBSc, MSc, MD, FRCP (C), Professor, Dept. of Medicine, University of Toronto; Physician-in-Chief, St. Michael's Hospital; Director, KT Program, St. Michael's Hospital"This is exactly what I've been looking for, something practical to use to teach KT and evidence implementation."--Professor Jed Duff RN PhD FACORN, Professor and Chair of Nursing, Metro North Hospital and Health Service and Queensland University of Technology, Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital, Nursing & Midwifery Research Centre, Herston, Queensland 4029"As a healthcare leader with many years of experience in the practice environment and within accreditation, this book offers you a way for moving best practice into the healthcare environment, that is relevant and in touch with your reality. With a focus on improved outcomes for both care recipients and the providers, the approach outlined in this guide is easy to follow and simplifies the pathway to enabling implementation of best practice. In the complex world within which healthcare is provided, these authors demonstrate their deep understanding of your reality and provide you with this valuable guide. Enjoy the journey guided by The Roadmap!"--Wendy Nicklin RN, BN, MSc(A), CHE, FACHE FISQ,ua, UCD.D, Former Vice President of Clinical Services, Chief Nurse Executive, The Ottawa Hospital, subsequently President and CEO of Accreditation Canada, President (Board Chair) of International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQUA)"Drs. Harrison and Graham are global leaders in knowledge translation and implementation science. Their book provides a practical and science-based approach to move evidence from the page to the hands of the knowledge user where it makes a difference."--Lisa Hopp PhD RN FAAN, Dean and Professor; Director, Indiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing Practice, Purdue University Northwest, Hammond IN"This book is full of outstanding practical advice, based on solid research and real world experiences, on how to best overcome barriers in the implementation of evidence-based care. It should be a staple resource for enhancing the quality and safety of healthcare."--Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN, Vice President for Health Promotion, University Chief Wellness Officer Dean and Professor, College of Nursing Executive Director, the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare The Ohio State University and safety of healthcare
About the Authors xivAcknowledgments xviForeword xviiGlossary xxi1 Introduction 12 Perspectives from the Field: Improving Care Through Evidence-Informed Practice 103 Guiding Theories, Models, and Frameworks 204 A Roadmap for Implementing Best Practice 43Part 1 Phase I: Issue Identification and Clarification 695 The Call-to-Action 716 Find the Best Practice Evidence 797 Assemble Local Evidence on Context and Current Practices 95Part 2 Phase II: Build Solutions 1078 Customize Best Practices to the Local Context 1099 Discover Barriers and Drivers to Best Practice Implementation 13710 Implementation Strategies: What Do We Know Works? 17111 Tailor Implementation Strategies 23812 Field Test, Plan Evaluation, and Prepare to Launch 261Part 3 Phase III: Implement, Evaluate, and Sustain 29513 Launch and Evaluate 29714 Sustain the Gains 30515 Reflections: Is It Worth it? 326Index 333
Margaret B. Harrison, BN, MHA, PhD, Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. She is a practice-based researcher who focuses on improving care with the use of evidence.Ian D. Graham, PhD, FCAHS, FNYAM, FRSC, Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, and Senior Scientist, Centre for Practice-Changing Research, The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada. He is an applied implementation science practitioner.