ISBN-13: 9781349325993 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 202 str.
ISBN-13: 9781349325993 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 202 str.
Good governance is key to the sustainability of organizations and improving quality of life for all. Governance is much more than a set of rules, it is a culture and a climate of responsibility, accountability and fairness that is deployed throughout an institution. In this new book the author outlines the keys to good governance.
'An extremely challenging and thoughtful analysis of the most important problems of global governance.' Jacques Attali, First President of EBRD, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
'Y?lmaz Argüden has focused on two very important aspects of governance which haven't gotten enough emphasis in my opinion: the need for trust and the need to build a culture of governance to improve sustainability of organizations. This book brings both issues to the fore and is a very good move in the right direction.' Frank Brown, Dean, INSEAD
'A must read for all those who believe that Government, Business and Civil Society need to work closer together for a sustainable planet and a better tomorrow. In his book Dr. Y?lmaz Argüden provides holistic solutions to complex issues.' Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
'This is a marvelous book written by a well known and widely respected modern day renaissance leader and thinker. What Y?lmaz Argüden has to say in this work is deeply rooted in a lifetime of remarkable experiences. On page after page one encounters
important insights. This book is a tour de force of a kind that comes along only rarely. In these particularly difficult transition years we have here an oasis of calmly, thoughtfully, and carefully explained wisdom and suggestions about how to think and act. A must read.' John H. McArthur, Dean Emeritus, Harvard Business School
'Whether a nation-state, or the world as a whole, benefits from globalization is above all a matter of good governance. Y?lmaz Argüden investigates in this book thoroughly what this means for the actors in the world, for the political and economic élites. Y?lmaz Argüden outlines the keys to good governance and sustainable development. It is a pleasure to read this book.' Gerhard Schröder, Former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (1998 2005)
'Any leader faces the challenges of establishing and maintaining trust among those whom he or she must lead. In this book, Y?lmaz Argüden explains how this task has changed in the modern world. He provides leaders in government, non-profits, and corporations with ideas for how to take their leadership into the 21st century.' Jim Thomson, President/CEO, RAND Corporation
'I commend Y?lmaz Argüden for taking on the challenge to write this book, which provides new insights into how the global community can be a better place economically, socially, politically, and culturally through a detailed examination of good governance.' Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate, Social Entrepreneur, and Founder of Grameen Bank
PREFACE PART I: INTRODUCTION PART II: SHAPING THE FUTURE FOR A SUSTAINABLE QUALITY OF LIFE Steps for Shaping the Future: Norms Not Supported by Values are Ineffective Managing by Values: Consistency of Thought-Discourse-Deed-Outcome Quality of Management is Key to Effectiveness in Social Entrepreneurship NGOs Should Also Achieve Quality in Management Companies Rely on Competition, NGOs Rely on Cooperation Common Principles of Shaping the Future PART III: GLOBAL GOVERNANCE FOR GLOBAL ISSUES Global Crisis to Global Governance Consensual Delegation of Sovereignty Global Europe: Europe has the Potential to be a Role Model for Global Leadership Global US: Strength Erodes with Unilateralism Global NATO: Global Security Infrastructure Needs Global Governance A Global Issue: Water is in Need of Governance PART IV: EFFECTIVE PUBLIC POLICY MAKING AND ADMINISTRATION Basic Functions of the State Governance in Public Sector What does Good Governance Do? Principles of Governance Representative Democracy to Participative Democracy Increasing Effectiveness Requires a Participative Approach Regulatory Impact Analysis is the Key to Learning and Improving Ethical Values are Keys to Good Governance Earning Public Trust Importance of Meritocracy Tax Regime: Simplicity and Fairness Increase Adherence Regulatory and Supervisory Bodies: Rule Making is an Interactive Art Financing Old Age Digital Technology: The New Industrial Revolution E-Government Good Governance in The Public Sector: TESEV Experience in Turkey Public Sector Reform in Turkey PART V: CIVIL SOCIETY FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE From Ruling to Governance Civil Society Organizations for Good Governance Social Entrepreneurship Requires Comprehensive Planning Social Entreprises Requires Effectiveness Too Good Governance Recommendations for NGOs Mobilizing Resources and Coalitions Critical Aspects in Practice: Cooperation, Focus, Resource Management, and Communication Training, Innovation, Institution Building Standard Bearer for Total Quality: The KalDer Case Novelty of Kalder Management Good Governance In Kalder Principles of Effective Cooperation with NGOs Management Support for NGOs Private Sector Impact: The Example of ARGE Consulting A Sectoral Deployment Strategy for the UN Global Compact Benefits of Volunteer Work NGO Contribution to the Business World PART VI: GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF CORPORATIONS: CONTINUOUS CREATION OF VALUE Diversity at the Head Table Important Areas of Diversity Managing Diversity Steps Toward Diversity Role of the Board of Directors Expectations from Board Members Measuring the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance Some Recommendations Constructive Critical Thinking Management Culture is More Important Than Management Structure Examples of Behaviours Expected from an Organization With Good Governance Ethical Values as a Foundation to Building Trust Common Management Challenges Strategy and Simulation Models Strategic Scenarios Customer Focused Organization Loyal Customer or Profitable Customer? Securing Mind Share: PR, Communications, and R&D Creating a Brand Growth and Profitability Geographic Expansion and Mergers Size and Mergers Multiple Management Centres The Fast-Acting Company Management in Family Owned Companies The Characteristics of a Good CEO Developing Future Leaders Preparing the Company for an IPO or Sale Human Resource Management Trust Within the Corporation Sharing Information Social Responsibility Corporate Citizenship Respect PART VII: GOOD GOVERNANCE STARTS FROM THE INDIVIDUAL Power of Positive Thinking Successful People are Those who Can Manage Life You Can Learn to be Successful Managing Time is Managing Life Align Use of Time with Your Vision Recommendations To Manage Others Man is The Creation of His Habits Critical Dimension of Life: Job And Career Live While You Work; Work While You Live Chasm in The Mindset: Us versus Them Education as the Key to Peace and Tolerance Diversity Breeds Richness Benefits of The Net Education Reform To Achieve Cultural Reform Evolution of Social Behavior Social Issues Threaten Global Peace We Should All Be 'A Citizen of The World' Tolerance and Harmony to Address Social Issues Curriculum for Global Citizenship APPENDIX: SHAPING THE FUTURE OF A NATION – TURKEY: Cradle of Civilizations, Land of Inspiration, and a Catalyst for Peace
Dr. YILMAZ ARGÜDEN is a leading strategist, advisor, and board member of major public and private institutions, and NGOs. He is the Chairman of ARGE Consulting, a leading management consulting firm based in Istanbul, Turkey. ARGE has been recognized at the European Parliament as one of the best three companies 'shaping the future' with its commitment to corporate social responsibility and is the first Turkish signatory of the Global Compact. He is also the Chairman of Rothschild investment bank in Turkey. He has served on fifty different boards and is currently the Chairman or member of corporate governance committees of Coca Cola Icecek, Vestel, Yaz?c? Holding, and Inmet Mining based in Toronto; an Adj. Professor of Business Strategy at the Bosphorus University, Turkey,and the Koç University, Turkey; an author of numerous books and a columnist focusing on business and strategy issues. He is a recipient of numerous leadership, distinguished citizenship and career awards, and was selected as a Global Leader for Tomorrow, by the World Economic Forum for his commitment to improve the state of the world.
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