LESS is More: LEan Computing for Selective Summaries.- Optimisation of Matrix Production Recon guration with Reinforcement Learning.- CHA2: CHemistry Aware Convex Hull Autoencoder Towards Inverse
Molecular Design.- Ontology Pre-training for Poison Prediction.- A novel incremental learning strategy based on synthetic data generated from a random forest.- RECol: Reconstruction Error Columns for Outlier Detection.- Interactive Link Prediction as a Downstream Task for Foundational GUI Understanding Models.- Harmonizing Feature Attributions Across Deep Learning Architectures: Enhancing Interpretability and Consistency.- Lost in Dialogue: A Review and Categorization of Current Dialogue System Approaches and Technical Solutions.- Cost-sensitive best subset selection for logistic regression: a mixed-integer conic optimization perspective.- Detecting oors in residential buildings.- A Comparative Study of Video-Based Analysis using Machine Learning for Polyp Classification.- Object Anchoring for Autonomous Robots using the Spatio-Temporal-Semantic Environment Representation SEEREP.- Explanation-Aware Backdoors in a Nutshell.- Socially Optimal Non-discriminatory Restrictions for Continuous-Action Games.- Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction.- Pseudo-Label Selection is a Decision Problem.- Associative Reasoning for Commonsense Knowledge.- Computing Most Likely Scenarios of Qualitative Constraint Networks.- PapagAI: Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays.- Generating Synthetic Dialogues from Prompts to Improve Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems.- Flexible Automation of Quantified Multi-Modal Logics with Interactions.- Planning Landmark Based Goal Recognition Revisited: Does Using Initial State Landmarks Make Sense.- XAI methods in the presence of suppressor variables: a theoretical consideration.