Journey from Badagry over the Kong mountains to the city of Eyeo or Katunga; residence at Eyeo, or Katunga, the capital of Youriba; journal of proceedings from Katunga, or Eyeo, to Boussa, on the Niger, or Quorra, the place where Mungo Park perished; journey from Boussa, across the ferry of the Quorra, by Guarri and Zegzeg, to the city of Kano; journey from Kano to the camp of Bello, and from thence to Soccatoo; residence at Soccatoo, till the death of the author; Lander's journal - from Kano to Soccatoo, residence at Soccatoo - my master's death - burial, from Soccatoo to Dunrora, from Dunrora back to Zegzeg, from Zegzeg to Badagry.
H. Clapperton. This edition of Hugh Clapperton's journal of his second expedition to West Africa was published posthumously in 1829.