With this fine edition of Dryden's works, well-respected scholar Steven Zwicker makes a fine addition to the "21st-Century Oxford Authors" series. Dryden's major works are included along with key letters, and the editorial apparatus is intelligently and gracefully minimal ... This volume deserves a wide readership.
Steven N. Zwicker was born in California and graduated from UCLA and Brown University. He is Stanley Elkin Professor in the Humanities and Professor of English at Washington University where he has directed many literary programmes, including the Literature and History Program; the Mellon Postdoctoral Program; the Mellon Summer Dissertation Seminar Program; and most recently the Vertical Seminar Program. He has held visiting appointments at the
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, and the California Institute of Technology and was British Academy Visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Liverpool and Aberdeen.