Introduction VPart I Chemistry 1Matter 2Elements 301 The Periodic Table 302 Element Symbols 503 Atomic Structure 804 Lewis Dot Diagrams 1005 Ions 12Compounds 1406 Chemical Formulas 1407 Ionic Compounds 1608 Covalent Compounds 1809 Atoms vs. Molecules 21Mixtures 2310 Heterogeneous Mixtures 2311 Solution: Concentration 2512 Solubility 2713 True Solutions 3014 Colloids 3315 Emulsions 3516 Suspensions 3717 Saturated Solutions 3918 Diffusion 41Physical Properties and Physical Changes 4319 Matter Has Mass 4420 Matter Has Volume 4621 Relative Density 4822 States of Matter 50Chemical Properties and Chemical Changes 53Acids and Bases 5423 Acids 5424 Bases 5625 pH Scale 58Chemical Reactions 6126 Combination and Decomposition Reactions 6127 Leavening Agent 6328 Balancing Chemical Equations 6529 Combustion: Burning 6830 Exothermic Chemical Reactions 7031 Explosions 7232 Polymers: Slime 74Part II Physics 76Newton's Laws of Motion 7833 Newton's First Law of Motion: Inertia 8034 Newton's Second Law of Motion 8235 Newton's Third Law of Motion 84Forces 86Noncontact Forces 8736 Freefall 8737 Gravity 8938 Momentum 9139 Apparent Weightlessness 94Contact Forces 9640 Buoyancy 9641 Buoyant Force 9842 Friction 100Turning Forces 10243 Torque 10244 Center of Gravity 10445 Stability 106Heat 10946 Conduction of Heat 11047 Convection 11248 Conductors vs. Insulators 11449 Heat Capacity 116Light 118Energy 11950 Electromagnetic Spectrum 11951 Photons 12152 Phosphors 12453 Fluorescence 12654 Phosphorescence 128Incident Light 13055 Colors You See 13056 Convex Lenses: Focal Length 13257 Convex Lenses: Rules of Refraction 13458 Convex vs. Concave Lenses 137Electricity 13959 Series Circuit 14060 Parallel Circuit 14261 Energy Ball 144Part III Astronomy 146Space Measurements 14862 Models of the Universe 14963 Space Measurements 15164 Apparent Sizes of Celestial Objects 15365 Angular Distances 15566 Sun Shadows 15767 Albedo 159The Moon 16168 Moon Phases 16269 The Terminator 16470 Barycenter 16771 Moon Motion 169Constellations 17172 Circumpolar Constellations 17273 Location of Polaris 17574 Zodiac Constellations 177Part IV Earth Science 180Geology 18275 Density of Earth's Layers 18376 Volcanoes 18577 Evaporites 18778 Fossils 189Geological Stress 19179 Tectonic Plates 19180 Deformation 19481 Fold Mountains 19682 Tension 19883 Normal and Reverse Faults 201Meteorology 20484 Climate 20585 Atmospheric Pressure 20786 Sea and Land Breezes 20987 Rayleigh Scattering 21288 Seasons 21589 Coriolis Effect 218Part V Biology 221The Nervous System 22290 Eukaryotic Cells 22391 Muscles 22592 Afterimage 22893 Perception of Color 23094 Reaction Time 23295 Sensory Receptors 234Physical and Biochemical Changes 23796 Chromatography 23897 Denaturing Egg Protein 24198 Denaturing Milk Protein 24399 Ripening Hormone 245100 Bioluminescence 247Glossary 250Index 279
Classroom science teacher Janice VanCleave has written more than 50 science books and has sold more than 2 million copies. In addition to authoring science books, she created the popular website,, and has tutored thousands of students and educators from around the world through her website.