Iutam Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of Sea Ice: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 3-9 June 2019 » książka
1. John Dempsey – Clarkson University, USA – The Fracture of ice.
2. Robert Gagnon – National Research Council Canada – Consistent Ice-Crushing Physics at Small and Large Scales: From Ice Skating to Ice-Induced Vibration of Structures.
3. Kari Kolari and Reijo Kouhia – VTT Technical Research Center of Finland and Tampere University of Technology, Finland – Strength of Ice in Brittle Regime - Multiscale Modelling Approach.
4. Andrii Murdza, Erland M. Schulson and Carl E. Renshaw – Dartmouth College, USA – Fatigue of Sea Ice: Classical and Non-Classical Behavior.
5. Sally Scourfield, Ben Lishman and Peter Sammonds – University College London and London South Bank University, UK – Sea Ice Dynamics: The Role of Broken Ice in Multi-scale Deformation.
6. Katerina Stavrianaki, Mark Shortt and Peter Sammonds – University College London, UK – A Statistical and Mechanical Analysis of Ice Friction Experiments using Acoustic Emissions.
7. Wenjun Lu – Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Ice Fracture
Thermodynamics of sea ice ridges
8. Knut Høyland– Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Consolidation of ice ridges
9. Aleksey Marchenko – The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway – Thermo-Hydro Dynamics of Sea Ice Ridges.
10. Mark Shortt and Peter Sammonds – University College London, UK – The Influence of Gravity Drainage on the Formation and Salinity Development of Freeze-Bonds in Saline Ice.
Global and local ice loads on ships and marine structures
11. Yevgeny Aksenov, Stefanie Rynders, Danny Feltham, Lucia Hosekova, Robert Marsh, Nicolaus Skrilis, Laurent Bertino and Tim Williams – National Oceanography Centre, University of Reading, University of Southampton, UK and Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway – Safer Operations in Changing Ice-Covered Seas: Approaches and Perspectives.
12. Claude Daley – Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada – Ice Class Rules in the 21st Century.
13. Jaakko Heinonen – VTT Technical Research Center of Finland – Ridge Load on the Monopile – a Comparison Between FEM-CEL –Simulations and ISO 19906.
14. Pentti Kujala – Aalto University, Finland – Full Scale Measurements - A Challenging Tool to Determine Design Ice Loads for Ships.
15. Kaj Riska – TU Delft, Netherlands – Ice Action on Ship Hull.
16. R.S. Taylor, R. Hossain and I. Gribanov – Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada – Scale Effects during Ice-Structure Interactions and Implications for Design.
17. Sveinung Løset – Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Ice structure interaction with floaters.
Computational ice engineering and ice mechanics
18. Akihisa Konno – Kogakuin University, Japan – Application of Physically-Based Modeling to Ice Structure Interaction and Investigation of Better Fluid Force Treatment.
19. Raed Lubbad – Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Physics-Based Modelling of Ice Actions and Action Effects on Marine Structures.
20. Arttu Polojärvi, Janne Ranta and Jukka Tuhkuri – Aalto University, Finland – Statistics of Ice Loads on Inclined Marine Structures based on Numerical Experiments.
21. Stefanie Rynders, Yevgeny Aksenov, Daniel Feltham and George Nurser – National Oceanography Centre and University of Reading, UK – Impact of granular behaviour of fragmented sea ice on marginal ice zone dynamics.
22. Hajime Yamaguchi, Noriaki Kimura and L.W.A. De Silva – The University of Tokyo – Sea ice forecast studies for ice navigation support in the Arctic.
Physical and engineering problems related to ice and waves
23. Agnieszka Herman – Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk, Poland – Discrete-element modeling of wave-induced floe–floe collisions and collision-induced wave attenuation.
24. Jean Rabault, Graigory Sutherland, Aleksey Marchenko and Atle Jensen – University of Oslo, Norway, Environment and Climate Change Canada and The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway – Diving into the Physics of Wave-Ice interaction: recent evidences of complex viscous dynamics.
25. Hayley Shen – Clarkson University, USA – Wave-in-Ice Models and Experimental Observations.
This book presents the results of the IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of Sea Ice which brought together researchers who have made significant contributions in the study of sea ice. The topics include: Fracture of ice, Thermodynamics of sea ice ridges, Global and local ice loads on ships and marine structures, Computational ice engineering and ice mechanics; and Physical and engineering problems related to ice and waves.