ISBN-13: 9781910301111 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 268 str.
ISBN-13: 9781910301111 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 268 str.
All that is needed for evil men to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
It Would Have Been Enough, Book 2 of "Manny's War & Peace," is a novel combining truth with fiction about people living through a brutal war where normal human beings can become cold-blooded killers.
'Hat low over his face to cover the black and blue bruises, Manny turned into Shotten Ring where he was swept forward amidst men, women and children, who shouted and chanted viciously and aggressively, "Sieg Heil, Juden, we are coming to get you..." Feeling sick, helpless and scared in case he was recognised, he watched helplessly as Jews of all ages were dragged from their homes, their tormentors whipping them, forcing the luckless victims to dip clothes torn from their backs into buckets of hydrochloric acid with their bare hands to scrub out anti-Nazi slogans from pavements and walls, while being continuously shouted at, spat on, as stones were thrown at them by the baying crowd.' (from "One Only Kid, Manny's War & Peace, Book 1")
In Vienna, 1938, sixteen-year-old Manny Grenfeldt's life changes dramatically. In response to the persecution of Jews, who live with the ever-present threat of being beaten or killed, he attends self-defence classes on how to use everyday items like pens and keys as weapons. But all the self-defence in the world cannot stop the brutal torture and murder of his father or his mother's suicide. From this moment on, Manny is intent on revenge, not just for his parents, or even for every Jew, but for every human being destroyed by a terrible evil...
It Would Have Been Enough will keep you riveted to the last page.