The Editor of this collection of essays, Dr. Steven Paas (1942), published on European and African Church History, the phenomena of Christian Zionism and Israelism, and the Lexicography of Chichewa, a language widely spoken in Central Africa. For this book he wrote a Preface and an introductionary chapter. Prof. Dr. Wido van Peursen starts the book with his own Preface. The other chapters are from Rev. Dr. Erik van Alten, Prof. Dr. Gregory K. Beale, Rev. Colin Chapman, Dr. Bram Maljaars, Rev. Joost van Meggelen, Rev. Dr. Duane Alexander Miller, Prof. Dr. Theo Pleizier, Prof. Dr. Raymond Potgieter, Prof. Dr. Owen Palmer Robertson, Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer, Rev. Dr. Jos M. Strengholt, en Rev. Martin van Veelen.