'This volume is a remarkable new survey of the dual themes of causality and human freedom in Islamic intellectual history which are still relevant and important in contemporary philosophical thought … This volume is thus essential reading, not only for scholars with an interest in the literature in this field but also for anyone interested in how Islamic traditions relate to contemporary Muslim philosophical and theological debates.' Seyyed Khalil Toussi, Sophia
1. Causality in the early period: Muʿtazilites and the birth of Ashʿarite occasionalism; 2. Towards a synthesis of Aristotelian and Neo-Platonic understandings of causality: the case of Ibn Sīnā; 3. Occasionalism in the middle period: the cases of Ghazālī and Rāzī; 4. The first as pure act and causality: the case of Ibn Rushd; 5. Light, existence, and causality: the Illimunationist School and the case of Suhrawardī; 6. The world as a theophany and causality: Sufi metaphysics and the case of Ibn ʿArabī; 7. Continuities and developments in Sufi metaphysics: the cases of Qūnawī and Qayṣarī; 8. Towards an occasionalist philosophy of science: the case of Jurjānī; 9. Causality and freedom in later Islamic philosophy: the case of Mullā Ṣadrā; 10. Occasionalism in the modern context: the case of Said Nursi; 11. A discussion on Islamic theories of causality in the modern context.