An Act for the Removing and Preventing All Doubt which have Arisen, or Might Arise, concerning the Exclusive Rights of the Parliament and Courts of Ireland (1783), in Th e Statutes at Large [England] (1786) -- A Letter to Henry Flood, Esq. on the Present State of Representation in Ireland (1783) -- Francis Dobbs, Th oughts on the Conduct and Continuation of the Volunteers of Ireland (1783) -- An Address to the Dungannon and Leinster Volunteer Delegates on the Matter of Parliamentary Reform (1783) -- A Reform of the Irish House of Commons (1783) -- Arguments to Prove the Interposition of the People to be Constitutional and Strictly Legal (1783) -- [W. W. Seward], Th e Rights of the People Asserted (1783) -- [Dr Patrick Duigenan], Th e Alarm: or, An Address to the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy of the Church of Ireland (1783) -- All’s Well: A Reply to the Author of Th e Alarm (1783) -- John Keogh, Th oughts on Equal Representation (1784) -- [Peter Burrowes], Plain Arguments in Defence of the People’s Absolute Dominion over the Constitution (1784) -- Andrew Doria, A Letter to the Volunteers, upon the Subject of a Parliamentary Reform (1784) -- John Jebb, Letters Addressed to the Volunteers of Ireland, on the Subject of a Parliamentary Reform (1784) -- Capel Molyneux, A Warm Appeal to the Freemen of Ireland (1784) -- [Charles Francis Sheridan], Free Th oughts upon the Present Crisis (1785) -- [ John Hely-Hutchinson] A Letter fr om the Secretary of State to the Mayor of Cork (1785) -- A Series of Letters Addressed to the Volunteers of Ireland (1785) -- Thoughts on the Kingdom of Ireland, Written in the Year 1785 ([c. 1785]) -- The Utility of an Union between Great Britain and Ireland (1787) -- An Act to Prevent Tumultuous Risings and Assemblies, in Th e Statutes at Large (1787) -- An Address to the Independent Members of the House of Commons of Ireland on the Question of Establishing a Regency in this Kingdom (1789) -- Common Sense, in Vindication of his Excellency the Marquis of Buckingham (1789) -- Editorial Notes.