Dr. Dmitry Ivanov is a Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin), Germany. He has taught operations management, supply chain management and logistics for more than 20 years at undergraduate, graduate, PhD, and executive MBA levels at various universities worldwide. His publication record includes over 100 research papers in prestigious international academic journals and several books published with Springer. His main research interests span supply chain resilience, the ripple effect management in supply chains, and digital supply chain twins. He is actively involved in editorial work for leading international journals.
This book offers a concise yet comprehensive introduction to supply chain resilience, covering management, modeling and technology perspectives. Designed to accompany the textbook “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management” it addresses the topics of supply chain risks and resilience in more depth, describing the major features of supply chain resilience and explaining methodologies to mitigate supply chain disruptions and recover. Numerous practical examples and short case studies are provided to illustrate theoretical concepts. Without relying heavily on mathematical derivations, the book explains major concepts and methods to build and improve supply chain resilience and tackle supply chain disruption risks in a simple, uniform format to make it easy to understand for students and professionals with both management and engineering backgrounds. Graduate/PhD students and supply chain professionals alike will benefit from the structured, didactically oriented and concise presentation of the concepts, principles and methods of supply chain resilience management, modeling, and technological implementation.