Duncan Steel has written an excellent textbook for intermediate engineering students, based on his experience in teaching classes in the area of quantum mechanics for engineers and in mentoring research students in the basic physics issues in quantum technology. His selection of topics is right on the mark. His consideration for the accessibility by the students is detailed, valuable and quite rare. The book has a lot of appeal.
Duncan G. Steel, The Robert J. Hiller Professor, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor of Physics, The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. PhD in 1976 in Electrical and Nuclear Science, University of Michigan. Guggenheim Fellow (1999), APS Isakson Prize (2010), Elected Fellow of APS, OSA, and IEEE. 10 years at Hughes Research Laboratories (senior staff physicist), faculty at the University of Michigan (1985-), Area Chair for Optics and Director of the Optical Sciences Laboratory 1988-2007, Director of Biophysics 2007-2009.