2.1 Incentives and motivators for interest in the role
2.2 Patterns of development
2.2.1 Launching an ANP initiative
2.2.2 Nursing education as the origin
2.2.3 Legislation and Policy as the beginning
2.3 A global overview
2.3.1 Country examples
2.3.2 Organisational interest ICN WHO
3. Nature of Practice
3.1 Titles
3.2 Role Characteristics
3.3 Scope of Practice
3.4 Controversial and debatable issues
3.4.1 Prescriptive authority
3.5 Competencies and practice settings
3.5.1 Advanced tasks versus advanced critical thinking
3.5.2 Task reallocation within the healthcare workforce
4. Education
4.1 Curriculum design
4.1.1 Teaching methods
4.1.2 elearning
4.1.3 Flexibility adapted to context
4.2 Programme planning
4.2.1 Entry criteria for students Self selection External/Institutional selection
4.2.2 Collaborative and complimentary faculty/staff Nursing, medicine, other professionals
4.2.3 Clinical supervision and clinical sites for experience
4.3 Competency statements and core competencies
4.3.1 Developing competence
4.3.2 Mentors and preceptors
4.3.3 Clinical experience/sites
5 Role and practice development
5.1 Introducing the role and function
5.2 Interconnectedness
5.2.1 Among institutions
5.2.2 Among other settings
5.2.3 Between other healthcare professionals
5.3 Role support
5.4 Situational ethics
6 Regulation
6.1 Regulatory/legislative frameworks and models
6.2 Credentialing
6.3 Certification and licensure
7 Challenges: obstacles and facilitators
7.1 Interprofessional conflict
7.1.1 Nursing
7.1.2 Medicine
7.2 Identifying APN function in the healthcare workforce
7.3 Public Acceptance
8 Evaluation and assessment
8.1 Career pathways
8.1.1 Performance review
8.2 Adaptation of the role
8.3 Continuing education
9 Research
9.1 Evidence based practice
9.1.1 Joanna Briggs Model
9.2 Conduct of and participation in research
10 Future Outlook
Madrean Schober, PhD, MSN, ANP, FAANP is a nurse practitioner, educator, mentor, writer, lecturer and consultant with expertise in the development of advanced practice nursing roles, healthcare policy, curriculum design and programme development. She has been an international consultant with expertise in role development for 15 years, past-Chair of the ICN International Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network as well as International Relations Liaison for the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.
With a background in family health, family nursing and community healthcare, she has an aim to provide healthcare services to diverse populations along with strategic planning for improved access to all. These services include the promotion of advanced nursing practice in the provision of healthcare services.
Prepared under the auspices of the International Council of Nurses (ICN), this book provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly emerging field of advanced nursing practice. This volume addresses central issues in the role and practice development that are fundamental to defining and differentiating the nature of this field. Topics include defining the role, role characteristics, scope of practice, education, regulation and research. Obstacles to and facilitators of the role are addressed and include ethical questions arising in the context of practice development. With an international focus, this volume examines international developments in the field, as reflected in country-specific case studies and examples. It offers a valuable resource for advanced practice nurses, educators, administrators at healthcare institutions and healthcare planners.