2.2 A Definition of Intonation Based on Its Functions
2.3 The Forms of Suprasegmentals
2.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3: Intonational Meaning
3.1 The Nature of Intonational Meaning
3.1.1 Context-dependent vs. context-independent meaning
3.1.2 Compositional vs. holistic meaning
3.1.3 Phonological similarity and homophony
3.1.4 Gradient vs. categorically distinct forms and meanings
3.1.5 The Linguists Theory of Intonational Meaning
3.1.6 Testing the Linguists Theory of Intonational Meaning
3.2 Intonation and Discourse Particles
3.2.1 Intonation and segmental particles are two forms of the same thing
3.2.2 The similar debates about particle and intonational meanings
3.3 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4: Evidence of the Morphological Nature of Intonation
4.1 Tonal Grammatical Particles and Their Segmental Counterparts
4.2 Tonal Discourse Particles and Their Segmental Counterparts
4.3 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 5. Evidence via Cantonese
5.1 The Cantonese Language
5.1.1 Why Cantonese is ideal for this kind of research
5.1.2 Intonation in Cantonese
5.1.3 Cantonese sentence-final particles
5.2 The Design of the Research
5.2.1 The participants
5.2.2 The corpus and the dialogues
5.2.3 Data collection
5.2.4 Data analysis
5.3 Defining Sentence-final Particles
5.3.1 The Natural Semantic Metalanguage theory
5.3.2 Defining sentence-final particles with the natural semantic metalanguage
5.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 6: The Results of the Research
6.1 Two Evidential Particles: lo1 and aa1maa3
6.1.1 The particle lo1
6.1.2 The particle aa1maa3
6.1.3 Summary and analysis
6.2 Two Question Particles
6.2.1 The particle me1
6.2.2 The particle aa4
6.2.3 Summary and analysis
6.3 Two ‘Only’ particles: ze1 and zaa3
6.3.1 The particles ze1 and zaa3
6.3.2 Summary and analysis
6.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 7: The Syntax of Intonation
7.1 Background Information
7.1.1 Intonation and syntax
7.1.2 Cartographic syntax
7.2 Tonal Morphemes that Function as Grammatical Particles
7.3 Tonal Morphemes that Function as Discourse Particles
7.3.1 The syntax of polar interrogative particles
7.3.2 The syntax of discourse particles
7.4 Prosodic Structure
7.5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Implications
John C. Wakefield is an Associate Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. He has published works on Cantonese discourse particles and intonation, as well as on sociopragmatics and acquiring Cantonese as a second language. He is the editor of the book Cantonese as a Second Language: Issues, Experiences and Suggestions for Teaching and Learning (Routledge), and is the author of a forthcoming book titled English Loanwords in Cantonese: How Their Meanings Have Changed (HKU Press).
This book discusses the morphological properties of intonation, building on past research to support the long-recognized relationship between the functions and meanings of discourse particles and the functions and meanings of intonation. The morphological status of intonation has been debated for decades, and this book provides evidence from the literature combined with new and compelling empirical evidence to show that specific intonational forms correspond to specific segmental discourse particles. Based on the conclusion that intonation is in the lexicon, it proposes syntactic positions for intonational meanings using a cartographic approach. It also describes how intonation is represented in speakers' minds, which has important implications for first and second language acquisition as well as for theories and approaches to artificial speech recognition and production. This book is of interest to theoretical and applied linguists, as well as to anyone whose research and interests relate in any way to intonation.