"Interrogating the 'Germanic' provides a starting point. It is not comprehensive, and does not offer a definitive answer as to what we should do with the term 'Germanic'. It is, however, one of the most important volumes published in the twenty-first century and should be read by all scholars working on the European early Middle Ages. It will, hopefully, lead to more careful enquiries into the past." Richard Broome, in: sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, http://www.sehepunkte.de/2021/05/35088.html.
"Rather than attempting to create a one-size-fits-all rule going forward, the collective contributions acknowledge the problem's complexity and provide the reader with a variety of tools to find their own way through a thorny, and ever-relevant, question. This will be a useful volume for both specialists and those outside the field, and for those wanting a better understanding of interdisciplinary approaches." Erica Buchberger, in: The English Historical Review, 2022
"Readers with a linguistic background can use these contributions to get a good sense of recent developments in adjacent fields-useful since the go-to linguistic textbooks on early Germanic languages frequently present a somewhat outdated picture of the state of the art in these disciplines." George Walkden, in: Journal of Germanic Linguistics 34.4 (2022), p. 420-427
Matthias Friedrich, Universität Wien, Österreich; James Harland, Universität Tübingen.