Preface to the Second Edition ixAcknowledgments xiAbout the Companion Website xiii1. Introduction to Cone Beam Computed Tomography 1Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 1Conventional Computed Tomography 1Cone Beam Computed Tomography 2Conventional CT versus Cone Beam CT 2Viewing CBCT Data 4Artifacts 7References 112. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Recommendations 13Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 13Endodontics 13Orthodontics 18Periodontics 24References 303. Legal Issues Concerning Cone Beam Computed Tomography 33Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 33Standard of Care 33Recommendations 34Summary 36References 374. Paranasal Sinuses and Mastoid Air Cells 39Gayle Tieszen ReardonIntroduction 39Anatomy 39Inflammatory Disease of the Paranasal Sinuses 56Intrinsic Disease of the Paranasal Sinuses 60Postsurgical Changes of Paranasal Sinuses 69References 705. The Sinonasal Cavity and Airway 73Gayle Tieszen ReardonIntroduction 73Anatomy 73Surgical Variations 87Inflammatory Diseases 89The Pharynx 91The Nasopharynx 92The Oropharynx 93The Hypopharynx (Also Called Laryngopharynx) 95The Parapharyngeal Space 95References 966. Cranial Skull Base and Orbits 97Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 97Anatomy 97Anatomic Variants/Developmental Anomalies 106Incidental Findings 111References 1137. Soft Tissues 115Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 115Pathosis--Arterial Calcifications 115Pathosis--Other Calcifications 122Incidental Findings--Soft Tissue of the Brain 126Incidental Findings--Orbital Cavity 133Incidental Findings--Face 136References 1388. Cervical Spine 141Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 141Anatomy 141Anatomic Variants/Developmental Anomalies 147Pathosis 153References 1589. Maxilla and Mandible (excluding TMJs) 161Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 161Anatomy 161Anatomic Variants/Developmental Anomalies 167Pathosis 169Incidental Findings 178References 18210. Temporomandibular Joints 183Gayle Tieszen ReardonIntroduction 183Normal Anatomy and Function 183Developmental Abnormalities 187Soft-Tissue Abnormalities 192Remodeling and Arthritis 194Trauma 204Tumors 206References 20711. Implants 209Gayle Tieszen Reardon and Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 209Imaging for Implant Purposes 210CBCT Image Development 214Gray Values and Hounsfield Units 214Bone Density: A Key Determinant for Treatment Planning 215Linear Measurement Accuracy 216Mandibular Canal 217Virtual Implant Placement Software 218References 221Appendix Sample Reports 223Shawneen M. GonzalezIntroduction 223General Health Report 224Pathology Report 226Endodontic Report 231Index 237
The editorShawneen M Gonzalez, DDS, MS, Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, is Owner of Advanced Dental Board, a radiographic interpretation company and the creator of, a popular oral radiology website that educates dental professionals around the world.