ISBN-13: 9781119456742 / Angielski / Twarda / 2018 / 704 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119456742 / Angielski / Twarda / 2018 / 704 str.
A comprehensive overview of the Internet of Things core concepts, technologies, and applications Internet of Things A to Z offers a holistic approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) model. The Internet of Things refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure.
Preface xix
Acknowledgments xxv
Contributors xxvii
Part I Concepts and Perspectives 1
1 Introduction to the Internet of Things 3
Detlef Schoder
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Internet of Things Concepts 7
1.3 Who Works on the Internet of Things? 11
1.4 Internet of Things Framework 12
1.5 Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure 14
1.6 Derived Qualities of Modern ICT 31
1.7 Potential for Product, Process, and Business Model Innovations 34
1.8 Implications and Challenges 38
1.9 Conclusion 44
2 Environment, People, and Time as Factors in the Internet of Things Technical Revolution 51
Jan Sliwa
2.1 Introduction 51
2.2 Technical Revolutions 52
2.3 Cyber Physical Social Systems 54
2.4 Environment 56
2.5 Time 58
2.6 People 63
2.7 Cybersecurity 67
2.8 Reasoning from Data 69
2.9 Adaptable Self–Organizing Systems 70
2.10 Moral Things 72
2.11 Conclusion 74
Part II Enablers 77
3 An Overview of Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things 79
Faisal Alsubaei, Abdullah Abuhussein, and Sajjan Shiva
3.1 Introduction 79
3.2 Overview of IoT Architecture 80
3.3 Enabling Technologies 81
3.4 IoT Platforms and Operating Systems 105
3.5 Conclusion 108
4 Cloud and Fog Computing in the Internet of Things 113
Daniel Happ
4.1 Introduction 113
4.2 IoT System Requirements 114
4.3 Cloud Computing in IoT 116
4.4 Fog Computing in IoT 122
4.5 Conclusion 131
5 RFID in the Internet of Things 135
Akaa Agbaeze Eteng, Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, and Chee Yen Leow
5.1 Introduction 135
5.2 Historical Perspective 135
5.3 RFID and the Internet of Things 137
5.4 Emergent Issues 144
5.5 Conclusion 146
6 A Tutorial Introduction to IoT Design and Prototyping with Examples 153
Manuel Meruje, Musa Gwani Samaila, Virginia N. L. Franqueira, Mário Marques Freire, and Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio
6.1 Introduction 153
6.2 Main Features of IoT Hardware Development Platforms 154
6.3 Design and Prototyping of IoT Applications 169
6.4 Projects on IoT Applications 173
6.5 Conclusion 184
7 On Standardizing the Internet of Things and Its Applications 191
Kai Jakobs
7.1 Introduction 191
7.2 Current Status 193
7.3 The Standardization Environment 199
7.4 Standardization in Selected Application Areas 201
7.5 Discussion and Some Speculation 210
7.6 Conclusion 213
Part III Security Issues and Solutions 219
8 Security Mechanisms and Technologies for Constrained IoT Devices 221
Marco Tiloca and Shahid Raza
8.1 Introduction 221
8.2 Security in IoT Protocols and Technologies 222
8.3 Security Issues and Solutions 234
8.4 Conclusion 247
9 Blockchain–Based Security Solutions for IoT Systems 255
Göran Pulkkis, Jonny Karlsson, and Magnus Westerlund
9.1 Introduction 255
9.2 Regulatory Requirements 256
9.3 Blockchain Technology 259
9.4 Blockchains and IoT Systems 261
9.5 Examples of Blockchain–Based Security Solutions for IoT Systems 262
9.6 Challenges and Future Research 270
9.7 Conclusions 270
10 The Internet of Things and IT Auditing 275
John Shu, Jason M. Rosenberg, Shambhu Upadhyaya, and Hejamadi Raghav Rao
10.1 Introduction 275
10.2 Risks Associated with IoT 276
10.3 IT Auditing 279
10.4 Use Cases of IoT in IT Auditing 286
10.5 Protecting the Business Network 287
10.6 Conclusion 289
Part IV Application Domains 293
11 The Industrial Internet of Things 295
Alexander Willner
11.1 Introduction 295
11.2 Market Overview 296
11.3 Interoperability and Technologies 303
11.4 Alliances 309
11.5 Conclusions 314
12 Internet of Things Applications for Smart Cities 319
Daniel Minoli and Benedict Occhiogrosso
12.1 Introduction 319
12.2 IoT Applications for Smart Cities 321
12.3 Specific Smart City Applications 330
12.4 Optimal Enablement of Video and Multimedia Capabilities in IOT 338
12.5 Key Underlying Technologies for Smart Cities IOT Applications 340
12.6 Challenges and Future Research 349
12.7 Conclusion 350
13 Smart Connected Homes 359
Joseph Bugeja, Andreas Jacobsson, and Paul Davidsson
13.1 Introduction 359
13.2 The Smart Connected Home Domain 360
13.3 Smart Connected Home Systems 364
13.4 The Smart Connected Home Technologies 367
13.5 Smart Connected Home Architectures 375
13.6 Smart Connected Home Challenges and Research Directions 376
13.7 Conclusions 381
14 The Emerging Energy Internet of Things 385
Daniel Minoli and Benedict Occhiogrosso
14.1 Introduction 385
14.2 Power Management Trends and EIoT Support 390
14.3 Real–Life Power Management Optimization Approaches 410
14.4 Challenges and Future Directions 415
14.5 Conclusion 417
15 Implementing the Internet of Things for Renewable Energy 425
Lucas Finco and Daniel Minoli
15.1 Introduction 425
15.2 Managing the Impact of Sustainable Energy 426
15.3 EIoT Deployment 432
15.4 Industry Standards for EIoT 439
15.5 Security Considerations in EIoT and Clean Energy Environments 441
15.6 Conclusion 442
16 The Internet of Things and People in Health Care 447
Nancy L. Russo and Jeanette Eriksson
16.1 Introduction 447
16.2 The Smart Health Care Ecosystem 448
16.3 Dimensions of Internet of Things Applications in Health Care 453
16.4 Examples of IoT–Related Health Care Applications and Their Dimensions 458
16.5 Challenges 469
16.6 Conclusion 471
17 Internet of Things in Smart Ambulance and Emergency Medicine 475
Bernard Fong, A. C. M. Fong, and C. K. Li
17.1 Introduction 475
17.2 IoT in Emergency Medicine 477
17.3 Integration and Compatibility 486
17.4 Case Study: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 492
17.5 Smart Ambulance Challenges 498
17.6 Conclusions 500
18 Internet of Things Applications for Agriculture 507
Lei Zhang, Ibibia K. Dabipi, and Willie L. Brown Jr.
18.1 Introduction 507
18.2 Internet of Things–Based Precision Agriculture 510
18.3 IoT Application in Agriculture Irrigation 512
18.4 IoT Application in Agriculture Fertilization 516
18.5 IoT Application in Crop Disease and Pest Management 518
18.6 IoT Application in Precision Livestock Farming 519
18.7 Conclusion 522
19 The Internet of Flying Things 529
Daniel Fernando Pigatto, Mariana Rodrigues, João Vitor de Carvalho Fontes, Alex Sandro Roschildt Pinto, James Smith, and Kalinka Regina Lucas Jaquie Castelo Branco
19.1 Introduction 529
19.2 Flying Things 530
19.3 The Internet of Flying Things 533
19.4 Challenges 542
19.5 Case Studies 549
19.6 Conclusions 557
Part V Relevant Sample Applications 563
20 An Internet of Things Approach to Read the Emotion of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 565
Tiffany Y. Tang and Pinata Winoto
20.1 Introduction 565
20.2 Background 567
20.3 Related Work 568
20.4 The Internet of Things Environment for Emotion Recognition 571
20.5 The Study and Discussions 580
20.6 Conclusions 586
21 A Low–Cost IoT Framework for Landslide Prediction and Risk Communication 593
Pratik Chaturvedi, Kamal Kishore Thakur, Naresh Mali, Venkata Uday Kala, Sudhakar Kumar, Srishti Yadav, and Varun Dutt
21.1 Introduction 593
21.2 Background 594
21.3 System Design and Implementation 595
21.4 Testing the IoT Framework 596
21.5 Results 603
21.6 Conclusions 605
Glossary 611
Author s Biography 625
Index 645
QUSAY F. HASSAN, PHD, is a systems analyst at the United States Agency for International Development in Cairo, Egypt, where he deals with large–scale and complex ICT systems. He has many years of both practical and research experience during which he has published several well–received publications, including his latest book Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications. His varied research interests include IoT, SOA, high–performance computing, cloud computing, and grid computing. Dr. Hassan is a senior member of IEEE and a member of the editorial board of several associations.
Internet of Things A to Z offers a holistic approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) model. The Internet of Things refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet–like structure. Recently, there has been a rapid growth in research on IoT communications and networks, that confirms the scalability and broad reach of the core concepts. With contributions from a panel of international experts, the text offers insight into the ideas, technologies, and applications of this subject.
The authors discuss recent developments in the field and the most current and emerging trends in IoT. In addition, the text is filled with examples of innovative applications and real–world case studies. Internet of Things A to Z fills the need for an up–to–date volume on the topic. This important book:
Written for ICT researchers, industry professionals, and lifetime IT learners as well as academics and students, Internet of Things A to Z provides a much–needed and comprehensive resource to this burgeoning field.
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